Mobile Computing in HR

Mobile Computing in HR

HR Sense + Mobile Computing = Innovation, sustainability and efficiency of processes

IBM Globally Integrated Enterprise – Use of Mobile Technology in the most efficient manner.

With the Gen Z that is all armed with mobile phones, ipads, tablets and laptops, the concept of a 9-5 job is being ruled out as this generation can perform their responsibilities from a coffee lounge, sitting at their homes or even while traveling. Companies that have deployed mobile apps are found to be faring much better when compared to companies that don’t.

How mobile applications have helped to improvise HR?

  • Improved workforce productivity
  • Faster resolution of consumer issues
  • Improved real time decision making
  • Cost Optimization – Saas
  • Reliability
  • Reducing chance of errors
  • Innovation
  • Reduction in cycle time

Right from recruitment to retirement there are applications that help engage employees. To look at some of them –

1. Acquiring talent

  •   Acquire Insight is a Saas based analytic tool that can retrieve existing data about organizations and use them in carrying out trend analysis.
  •   JobVite – It leverages social networking sites like facebook, myspace, twitter, linkedin etc. to send job invites to those in its network – sourcing information about candidates, making referrals, promoting open positions, and zeroing in upon qualified candidates.

2. Managing Talent

  • DiversityDNA – Youtube videos to facilitate diversity training of employees
  • Rypple Feedback – It helps in making the performance review more interactive by involving leaders in recognition and giving feedback to the employees.

 The Saas Tools, the ERP tools, the Oracle and HCM softwares, PeopleSoft are all examples in what is constantly growing in terms of mobile technology in the field of HR.

 Mobile solutions are available for every critical HR dimension. Mobile notifications for receiving the monthly salary. Information regarding the next training session by Learning and Development Team. The pop-ups keep the employees aware of all the current happenings. You receive text messages to remind you of the meeting in 20 minutes, weekly tracker of activities. Quick activities round the company campus – with globalized workforce HR finds it very difficult to integrate. Regular communication is essential, sometimes just e-mails wont do. VOIP calls, telecommunication, skype facilitate this.

Also with increasing role of HR as a business partner, data crunching has increased to solve problems like risk management issues, merger and integration problems, compensation queries and so on. As HR now helps the finance, marketing, operations people by developing a simulation of problems – thus new technology becomes even more integral part of HR systems.

 Companies like Cisco, Verizon and AT&T have realized the opportunity and the market size of what is being popularly known as Internet of Everything(IOE). Increasing mobile devices add to this. These networking giants are trying to increase their visibility through this opportunity. This way they in turn promote their brand and attract talent and plan engagement of employees. Social media apps on mobile phones and related apps are being increasingly used by HR to advertise the life and culture of the organization.

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