We have got a simple but equally comprehensible idea about consumer buying patterns and the class they are divided into. A good way to generalize is based on the mindset of the applicable customer. The different aspects of a person’s mindset can be classified as follows Facial recognition, Emotions, and memory, attention, and self-awareness. facial recognition is more about understanding facial expressions. In general, they can be looked upon as depending upon the past and present. The past referring to the immediate past, I.e the effects of strain are evident on the person’s facial expressions. In the next article, we’ll discuss how present influences behavior.

marketing and psychology part 4
Noel Philip
Education - B. Tech. from National Institute of Technology (NIT S), Kozhikode
E-mail - noelphilip2@gmail.com
Interests - Marketing & Sales, Design, Engineering (Non-IT)
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Good work!
Nice article..
Splendid work.
Good work..
great work!
Good Work 😀
Good work:)
You have concluded the series very well
Well explained