Q: State one of the most important feature of Java.
A: Java is a platform independent language.
Q: What is platform independence?
A: Platform independence means that the java code can be we can written and compiled in one platform and further the class can be executed in any other supported platform.
Q: What do you understand by the term JVM?
A: JVM is Java Virtual Machine which is a run time environment for the compiled java class files.
Q: Is the JVM platform independent?
A: JVM’s are not platform independent as platform specific run time implementation are provided by the vendor.
Q: Differentiate between a JDK and a JVM.
A: JDK means Java Development Kit used for the purpose of development and also includes execution environment where JVM is purely run time environment and hence the source files cannot be compiled using a JVM.
Q: Does Java support pointers?
A: Pointer is a reference handle to a memory location and any improper handling of pointers leads to memory leaks and reliability issues hence Java does no’t support the usage of pointers.
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