In this modern world where everybody is addicted of modern gadgets and social media I.e Facebook ,twitter for the latest updates and for entertainment they use many mobile apps also like sawan for various songs downloading .
Does anybody have a time to use radio for latest updates and entertainment like listening songs ,etc.Many people will say no ,nobody use the radio for all this because they have access of internet and many more resources which provide them these updates and also the source of entertainment which are easily available and are portable.
But the fact is that the answer is yes, Most of the people still using radio to listen the daily news ,interviews of many celebrities and politicions and also for their entertainment .
Because most of the population of our country is poor and live in remote areas where there is no access of internet and newspapers.
There radio is the only source of providing the information and the various updates of the economy and there are many people like farmers who doesn’t have time to read newspapers so they use radio while doing their work to know what is happening in the economy.
Even most of the population of our country is illiterate who doesn’t know how to use internet and can’t read newspaper even they also have the source (radio) is available for the updates.
Thus we can say still radio is playing an important role in the field of media.

4 Comments. Leave new
Nice Article Preeti 🙂
reminds me of my grandfather who still uses a radio 🙂
Good work!
Amazing post Preeti !
Nice post.. well done..