Journalism Is a broad field where many people are engaged and in journalism the career is very bright but the fact is that not everyone has full information about this field and its types.
Journalism is not only about passing the news that already exists. It is also based on creating new facts,new ideas.It is a type of journalism where reporters deeply investigate a single topic of interest such as serious crimes ,political corruption.
Investigative journalism aims to uncover the truth about a particular person ,subject or event .Here journalist works secretly and prepare a final report after getting the whole information of the case which he is studying.For this the reporters search a lot ,consult with many specialists ,new approaches used ,analysis documents regarding the case study,regulatory reports,corporate final fillings, database of public records based on his research and finally prepares a report.
Most investigative journalism is conducted by newspapers,wire services and freelance journalists .Investigative journalism is not about daily reporting & leak information .It is about exposing how laws and regulations are violated and holding the powerful accountable.

4 Comments. Leave new
Nice but more information required
nicely done
Well done.. Nice article..
well written