Articles details how to get an Automation Functional Testing job as a Fresher, details the skills and knowledge needed and steps for career success as an Automation Functional Tester with job tips and companies that hire
Top 10 IT Skills in Demand – 2019
First let us see what do we understand by the Term IT? Information technology means keeping data we have or…
5 Best Software Testing Tools
What is Testing? It is a process in which pre-scripted tests are executed on a software application before their production…
What is Machine Learning?
What is Machine Learning? Machine learning can be defined as the science of giving machines an ability to make decisions.…
Top trends in Data Science and Analytics
Data Science is continuously increasing at an astronomical rate. Using data has become more and more important in creating new…
NASA’s Mars Rover
The team in control of NASA’s Mars Rover spacecraft now have Big Data driven analytical engines at their fingertips. The…
The NFL Understands How to Play the Big Data Game
Like many businesses, the National Football League is experimenting with big data to help players, fans, and teams alike. The…
How Big Data Means Hot Pizzas for Domino’s
Pizza delivery might not seem, on first glance, the most high-tech of industries. But Domino’s, the world’s largest delivery chain,…
Telnet & Usenet News : Basic Services Of Internet
The Internet provides the following 4 types of basic services to its users : Electronic mail File Transfer Protocol Telnet…