Information TechnologyInternet a necessity to common life …May 20, 201513 CommentsThese days internet has been the fourth necessity for human life…If you ask any teenage boy just after food,shelter and…
Information TechnologyBusiness IntegrationMay 20, 201513 CommentsBusiness Integration is a strategic implementation which mirrors how technology is being absorbed as a function of business.It synchronizes information technology…
Information TechnologyAndroid development…May 19, 201517 CommentsAndroid a new tern on the market has recently engulfed the world on its behalf.However the particular term became popular…
Cloud ComputingInformation TechnologyOLAP IN DATA WAREHOUSEMay 19, 201519 CommentsWhat is OLAP:- OLAP i.e. online analytical processing is linked with processing of data as it is manipulated for analysis.…
Information TechnologyOSI REFERENCE MODELMay 13, 20154 CommentsOSI model:- The model deals with connecting open systems i.e. systems open for communication with one another. 7 Layers of…
Information TechnologyMOOC : The new way to learn.May 11, 201522 CommentsEver wondered if you could just learn a particular subject at your own pace?Or master a skill within a time…
Information TechnologyE-COMMERCE (THE CHANGING FACE OF BUSINESS)May 11, 201514 CommentsYOU may be in Mumbai or in Thanjavur, no matter which part of the country you have been living in,…
Information TechnologyOnline Brand Trading or Developing New BrandsMay 10, 201510 CommentsE-Commerce: Online Brand Trading or Developing New Brands E-Commerce Business : Unlocking future mode for A New Possibilities in Growth…
Information TechnologyREFERENCE MODELS IN COMPUTER NETWORKMay 9, 20156 CommentsThere are two important network architectures , they are the OSI reference model and the TCP/IP reference model. The OSI…
Information TechnologyError Control CodingMay 7, 201511 CommentsError: First the main question which comes to our mind is that what is an error in digital communication? The…