Human ResourcesWork Place DiversityJune 8, 201511 CommentsWhen we look around in the office at schools colleges or in the society where we live, we generally come…
Human ResourcesPerformance Appraisal ManagementJune 8, 20159 CommentsPerformance Appraisal is a systematic evaluation of an individual with respect to performance on the job and individual’s potential for…
Human ResourcesHuman capitalism…June 8, 20159 CommentsToday the momentum for human analytics is growing but its potential is unrealized. While many HR Departments use metrics today,…
Human ResourcesA good day to start : OrientationJune 7, 201514 CommentsOrientation seems to have gone beyond its originally intended meaning of position, angle and placement and might have earned itself…
Human ResourcesStrategic HRMJune 7, 201511 CommentsIntroduction and Basic Concept Strategic Human Resource Management involves three components 🙁 a) Recognizing the need and importance of human…
Human ResourcesGlobal HRMJune 7, 201511 CommentsSharing knowledge is a vital component in the growth and advancement of our society in a sustainable and responsible way.With…
Human ResourcesWhy to outsource content writing from India?June 6, 201519 CommentsA business is considered efficacious if it can be simply searched and researched on the internet or we can say,…
Human ResourcesCommunication…June 6, 201516 CommentsCommunication is a mode of interaction between two or more sets of people so as to express their opinion on…
Human ResourcesMeasuring PersonalityJune 5, 201513 Comments “Personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald According to the Gordon Allport (one of…
Human ResourcesMisuse of Sexual harassment lawsJune 5, 201510 CommentsThe predominant apprehension that most men we interacted with had was the fact that the powers provided by the new…