Human ResourcesIt’s a secret : Transparency in officesJune 28, 201517 CommentsTo ask for transparency in businesses and offices is a risk you take on your own! And I say this…
Human ResourcesEvil HR mistakes!June 28, 201520 CommentsAll throughout your life you’ve heard all about the hard work that HR department has to put up and how…
Human ResourcesVoluntary Retirement SchemeJune 27, 201534 CommentsDownsizing of workforce is generally implemented through Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS). Under this scheme, the organisation and its employees enter…
Human ResourcesHuman Resource Planning: What and why?June 27, 201514 CommentsHuman resource is as significant a resource as any, even more important. It’s only this resource that can improve, alter…
Human ResourcesWorkforce Diversity in IndiaJune 26, 201528 CommentsThe human Resource managers have to respond to a wide range of diversity issue due to diverse workforce of varying…
Human ResourcesKnowledge Based PayJune 25, 201520 CommentsIn today’s scenario people are running behind money, posh lifestyle and the urge to be the best in the society!!…
Human ResourcesCompetencies of Human Resource ManagerJune 25, 201512 CommentsHuman resource managers in modern organisation or in dynamic environment have to play multiples roles while managing the human resource…
Human ResourcesPROMOTIONJune 24, 20157 CommentsPromotion is a process of advancement of an employee to a better position where his responsibility increases, his prestige or…
Human ResourcesCompensationJune 24, 201521 CommentsCompensation is the remuneration received by an employee in return for his contribution to the organization. It is one part…
Human ResourcesHow to be a good leader?June 24, 201522 CommentsWant to be a leader? Here’s how- At some point or the other in our life, we all aspire to…