History of IT in India – 2

History of IT in India – 2


Digital India is a central program to make India ready for knowledge-based future .The focus of the Rs. 1.13 Lakh crore initiative in a using Tech to create a participate , transparent and response government.

AIM of the Program. 

* To create a digital infrastructure as a utility to every Indian citizen . Thus includes providing high-speed Internet, mobile phone and bank account enabling participation in digital and financial space. Sharable private space in a public cloud and creating a safe and secure cyber space

* The programme aims to take digital literacy to the next level. and will focus on finding ways to encourage people to opt for cashless financial transactions.

* The initiative also aims at seamless integration across dept/ jurisdiction and ensuring availability of services in real-time from online and mobile platforms.


1. High Speed Broad Band highways to connect the nation.
2.Universal accesss to Mobile community
That is. All the citizen in India can easily connect with any one anywhere.
3. Public internet access programme
As India is in the developing phase, most of the  people don’t know the power of internet and what internet can do to their life.This Policy allows everyone to access information with no barrier , one such policy which was introduced was “Interent.org” with Facebook which provided free internet for all.
4. E Governance
Making Government open and Transparent.
5. E Commerce .
6. Information for all
7. IT related Jobs.
8. Electronics Manufacturing .
9. Easily Harvest Programmes

Government of India has approved the Digital India Programme with the Vision to transform India into a digitally Empowered Society and knowledge Economy. Digital India is an umbrella Programme that covers multiple Government ministries and Department . The Biggest economic effort of the technologically inclined services section in India accounting for 40% of the Countries GDP AND 30% of export earning as of 2006.

This all shows that India is gaining Power in the IT sector and by 2020 India will lead the IT League leaving behind The CHINA. US and RUSSIA .

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