Health, Nutrition and Well-beingManagementINDIA ON THE BRINK OF WATER CRISIS?July 10, 201513 CommentsWater, one of the most important natural resources. Water without which sustaining this precious *god-given* life is not possible. Not…
Health, Nutrition and Well-beingGo BananasJune 28, 201549 CommentsA for apple and an apple a day keeps the doctor away. B for banana but hey what’s the benefit…
Health, Nutrition and Well-beingCircadian Time TableJune 27, 201530 CommentsMake your Circadian Time Table. We all wish that we spend our daily routine as productively as possible. We tend…
Health, Nutrition and Well-beingEmerging Industry of YogaJune 24, 201557 Comments“Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured” Yoga was born in…
Health, Nutrition and Well-beingDiseases…June 22, 201528 CommentsA disease is an abnormal condition which causes the organism to prevent his normal activities.This particular prone causes any vital…
Health, Nutrition and Well-beingIs my Blood type B ?June 12, 201534 CommentsOk. This article is simply about blood grouping. And about how we ourselves can determine our own blood type. So…
Health, Nutrition and Well-beingPranic HealingJune 3, 201531 CommentsPranic healing is healing system developed and promoted by choa kol sui which claim that the prana energy can be…
Health, Nutrition and Well-beingUnderlying Concept : GO GREENMay 26, 201527 Comments” GO GREEN &MAKE WORLD A PLACE TO LIVE CLEAN “ YEAR2015 THEME : ‘Biodiversity for Sustainable Development’ International Day for…
Health, Nutrition and Well-beingWhat’s on your plate?May 13, 201526 CommentsIndia is a developing nation with fastest growing population and economy. The figures in the charts make us all a…
Health, Nutrition and Well-beingHuman ResourcesManagementCan Doctors be effective Managers?May 5, 201536 CommentsSurgeons must be very careful When they take the knife! Underneath their fine incisions Stirs the Culprit — Life! In…