The features of effective learning and development programs are:
Strategy driven
- The training and development programs must align with overall strategic goals of the organization and yield business results as expected.
- The training program must show a ROI (return on investment) either on short term or long term. It should be measured as every other business activity.
- Learning & Development methodologies can be identified from amongst CBTs, Class room training, eLearning, knowledge sharing sessions & continuous educational program in reputed organizations based on the type of business the organization is engaged in.
Driven through many channels
- Organizations explore and utilize multiple methods to ensure that people get the right skills at the right time, at the right cost and in the right way. Modalities such as classroom lectures and role plays, blended learning, eLearning, on-the-job application, use of technology support tools and coaching by co-workers are selected to match specific learning styles, budgets, business issues and cultures.
Learning by doing
- Best companies train their employees by making them perform “real” tasks and projects in both on-the-job and in a training environment.
Continuous learning process
- The process of learning never stops, the companies must ensure that learning occurs before, during and after the learning events.
- Knowledge and skills that are acquired through training and development programs must be useful and relevant, both to the individual’s work requirements and to the organization. Employees should only participate in programs that will add to their current or future work effectiveness along with contributing to organizational success.
- Employees must be encouraged to identify their needs to create individual learning plans and to seek learning opportunities. This makes every employee accountable for the training he/she has identified and the responsibility that falls on that individual, his supervisor and the organization.
7 Comments. Leave new
Good effort!
Good effort, well written article..
Because here is a list of multiplayer games is kbcbbeefabcd
well written:)
Effective and efficient learning always helps in the long run
nice work