Experimental learning

Experimental learning – How learning by trying may be better for fostering creativity in organizations

Why should experimental learning be encouraged at work

Not only human beings, but almost every living creature has a tendency to keep going what has been going till now, and not to adapt and accept changes easily.

No one is very much fond of going through the changes. But, Become Job Ready Now !ive by welcoming the worthy experiments in the already running processes, doing the things in a new way, and not just being afraid of the risks involved.

Who doesn’t fear risks?

Everyone wants to be in one’s own comfort zone, and never want to step out where uncertainties prevail!! People are afraid of experimenting, because it certainly involves risks, and doing something out of the box not always gives fruitful results. Similarly, if we talk about the organizational procedures, experimenting with the ongoing processes can sometimes push everything into a rut. In other words, when we do a certain thing out of the box, we should also be prepared of the adverse effects of the same. ‘Failure’, the word itself sounds very scary! This is what everyone fears the most. This is the sole reason, people shirk taking risks. We fear the failure and the after effects of the failure, that how others will frame an image, others will judge him/her on this failure! And this is the reason why we want to do everything in an old fashion!

So, what is the very need of getting out of a cozy blanket, when you have been sleeping in comfort? Yes, there is need. If we want to achieve something extraordinary, we need to do something extraordinary!

There is no scope of learning, if we continue doing the things in the same fashion! Yes, experimenting is risky, but at the same time we learn a lot of things, and no wonder if the same things work out in a better way(Doing it in the a different way)!

It’s very essential in an organization that it promotes experimental learning, and the leader creates an environment where the newer and innovative ideas are always welcome, and things work in a suitable way. When an employee enters in a firm, he/she is expected to learn the old way conventions in which the work is done. In fact he/she is given trainings for the same, this is termed as conventional training! But, to what extent does it aid the organization and the employee? It kills the innovative ideas, enthusiasm and strength in the employee, with which he/she probably enters. And on the other hand, the employer is also left with the old, shabby processes! So, again a two-way loss.

There is something which can be done about it.

Two types of trainings are given to the employees, one is: Conventional training in which the employee is trained in accordance with the processes and the methods that are already being used by the company. And the other is Experiential training in which individual’s thought processes, strengths and of course the ideas are respected and paid heed to.

In organizations, special trainings, in fact should be held to let employees think and realize that learning and experimenting can be fun and rewarding at the same time. It should provide a platform to its employees for all sorts of learning and development in the future.

There are many benefits of experimental learning that an organization should be providing, we shall talk about them briefly!

  • This atmosphere would encourage the workers to develop their understanding, and evaluate the processes in their context and then work hard to apply their understandings of the things.
  • People can actually apply their experiences and change the things for better.
  • It is a process of teaching and learning, which benefits both the organization and the employees!
  • Even Albert Einstein didn’t set up all these inspirations by attending theory classes!! But by applying his creative ideas and experiments!

According to a data analysis, I could figure out that about 70% workplace learning happens through on-job experience and practice, which is good!! And 20% workplace learning happens through coachings, feedbacks and personal networks and the rest 10% learning is gained through the formal off job training, which is beneficial as well.

So, where there’s a risk there are fruitful results also waiting at the other end, but when the organizations won’t even consider the experiments and changes, neither the learning will happen nor there will be possibilities of betterment.

Remember, always being pessimistic doesn’t help. Light at the end of the tunnel may not always be another coming train but it could be a golden opportunity waiting on the other side! 🙂 Take thoughtful risks, it helps!!

Cheers!! 🙂

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