‘Healthy Employees, Healthy Business’
An Employee spends about 8 hours at the place of work during any working day. He must be provided with such types of facilities which will maintain his health and keep him interested in his work.
The term ‘Health’ denotes a general state of well-being. It covers (i) physical well-being, (ii) emotional well-being ,and (iii) mental well-being.
Progressive organisations take care of all the three aspects. However, most of the organisations take care of physical well-being of the workforce by providing for physical comforts in the form of proper lighting, ventilation, temperature and noise-free environment. If these comforts are not provided, the efficiency of the employees will decrease. Large enterprises are noted to maintain their own arrangements for health services which include treating accidents and medical emergencies at work, regular physical check up of employees,providing medical facilities to employees, and running mental health programs.
In most of the organisations, HR department is assigned the responsibility of providing health services to the employees. The importance of providing healthy working environment to employees are-
* Improvement in productivity
* Reduction of Absenteeism and Turnover
* Reduction of Industrial Accidents
* Better Industrial Relations
Your Health is important wherever you go. And now that many people are spending most of their day sitting at a desk, or inside an office, implementing health programs inside the workplace has become a vital piece of the healthy lifestyle puzzle !

29 Comments. Leave new
Nice article. Very precise
Ty ! 🙂
Beautifully written Shikha.I am too of the opinion that the most important concern of any organisation should be to take care of the health of their employees as without the development of the human resource the growth of no other resource to its best potential is possible!
Yes arshdeep !
Every organisation must be concerned about employees’ health .. thanks a lot for your appreciation 🙂
U have quoted some good points.very true!nice article
Thanks aman 🙂
Well done shikha
Thank you megha 🙂
Nice job.
Ty divya !
Rightly stated.
Thanks ria ! 🙂
Well written. Good points
Thanks alisha for ur appreciation 🙂
Nice article …!!!
Thanks !
Thanks !
Well Written 😀 . Good Work
Thanks 🙂
Ty stephy !
Beautiful article..! Good..!
Thanks a lot ! 🙂
Employees are important for the company and should be taken care of. Certain guidelines will surely help them achieve it.
very nice points .. good article
Nice article 🙂
Beautifully written!
Short and precise!
liked it !