If we consider the noun part of the word ‘Right’ then its meaning is ‘that which is morally correct’ or in another way it is a moral or legal entitlement to have or to do something. Rights provide feasibility in living. Right makes the person comfortable and makes him/her feel satisfied, right makes the person confident and more responsible.
Many people spend most of their working hours either going to work or coming home from work. Despite the importance of having stable employment, it is equally important for employers to respect the right of their employees. The evolution of employee rights is a natural result of the evolution of societal, business, and employee interests.
Employee rights can be defined as the guarantees of fair treatment that workers expect in return for their services to an employer. These expectations become rights when they are granted to employees by the courts, legislatures, or employers.
Balance against employee rights is the employer’s responsibility to provide a safe workplace for employees while guaranteeing safe, quality goods and services to consumers. Employers must exercise reasonable care in the hiring, training and assignment of employees to jobs.
Advancement of technology and the tools the technology offers is blurring the lines between the personal freedom and privacy rights of workers and their employers to monitor and control their activities. But despite the confusion, organizations still need to have an idea of where the lines lay so they do not inadvertently cross them. This is where HR managers play a crucial role. They are the one who take care of current laws, agency regulations and court rulings, establish written employment policies and educate the staff members in their organization about them.
All employees have basic rights in the workplace – including the right to privacy, fair compensation, and freedom from discrimination.
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17 Comments. Leave new
Little cared about topic! well done
I think not just employers but employees too need to ensure they behave well with their co-workers. Workplace ethics are important too.
Good article..!
Nice article.
Agree with what you’ve written completely! Employees should be given their due, be it in terms of good working conditions or necessary recognition or time to time incentives and perks. Great work. 😀
Nice one !
Employees form a major part of the stakeholders’ group and thus their rights need to be taken care of for the success of the organisation. Informative article.
Nice article
I agree with your view-points to a great extent. Nice article !
Good work!
nice one …wonderful post .liked it
good article but not specific to topic.
In corporate world, everything is competition and everybody is in race. Most of times employees work very hard or till early morning to complete the work. They get well paid but they often lost their family as well as social life..
good article about the rights .
Rights are important in every area especially workforce and rights like you mentioned such as freedom from discrimination is necessary to safeguard everyones rights. Nice article 🙂
Right is a basic eminity for anyone 😀
even if its a corporate world 😀
good work 😀 by putting light on it 😀
good article