Employee Discipline Issues – Five guidelines for effective handling
1. Deal with problems as possible
At times, you may be tempted to take the ostrich approach, but ignoring a problem rarely solves anything. In fact, “burying your head” may send a message to all employees that the imprecate behavior is acceptable. Or it may create bitterness and resentment in employees who are still expected to follow the rules.
2. Keep your goal in mind
Remember- your job is to get the employee back up to standard, not to punish or humiliate the person.
3. Stay calm and objective
Losing your temper is likely to put the employee on the defensive and lead to an argument. You may fail in your attempt to bring the employee back up to standard.
If you are angry, take time to calm down before you talk to the employee. Write down the issues you need to discuss and make sure you cover everything.
4. Always discipline in private
Choose a place where you won’t be interrupted. This lets the employee know you consider the matter important enough to devote your full attention to it. Disciplining in private also shows you respect the employee’s feelings.
5. Know what to do about personal problems
Counseling is best left to professionals. Find out if your organization has an employee assistance program or other services to which you can refer employees. Be sure the employee understands that while you sympathies, it’s important that he or she work on keeping personal problems form affecting jobs performance.
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Good effort..!
well articulated
Good one.