Approaches in decision making
- Rationality Approach – Logical, rational, Consistent with objectives, value maximizing.
- Bounded Rationality: Decision making that’s rational but limited (bounded) by an individual’s ability to process information. They are rational within limits.
Satisfying – making a decision, which is `good enough’ not necessarily the best.
Escalation of commitment: High commitment to a previous decision despite evidence it may be a poor decision.
- Intuitive Decision Making: A survey (Miller and Ireland) that half of the executives used intuition more often than formal analysis to run their companies. A study (Seo and Barrett) show that managers who experienced intense feelings and emotions achieved higher decision- making performance.
Types of Decisions
- Structured or programmed decision (generally if the problem is easily defined and complete)
- Repetitive in nature, Developing alternative generally not possible.
- Procedures, rules and policies to handle.
- Unstructured problems and non-programmed decisions.
- New type
- Ambiguous information
- Non-recurring
- Custom made solutions
Twelve Decision Making Errors/Biases
- Over Confidence (When they hold unrealistically + positive views
- Immediate gratification (They want immediate rewards)
- Anchoring effect (When they fixate on initial information and are unable to adjust or change)
- Selective Perception (When they selectively interpret data events)
- Confirmation (Base their decision on past decision)
- Framing (Decision by drawing attention to specific information)
- Availability (Considering information which they remember or more recent)
- Representation (Consider analogies and identical situations)
- Randomness (Create meaning out of random events)
- Sunk costs (forget that current choices cannot correct the past)
- Self serving (To take credit for their successes)
- Hind sight (Decision to say that they could have accurately predicted the outcomes).
13 Comments. Leave new
Good effort!
Really good!
Nice article !
Well written…!
I really liked this article.
Nice article..
really good article liked it a lot!
Well Structured Article .. Good Work 😀
Really good!
Really liked the way you have presented it!Its up to the point and nice explanation.
Good article!
nice work, keep it up !
Decision making helps the organisation to face and tackle new problems and challenges. Quick and correct decisions help to solve problems and to accept new challenges.