Dear, don’t fear

Dear, don't fear

As soon as you feel fearful, approach it and destroy it.”


So many times we aren’t been able to take the stage, talk to someone or express our truest opinions. This can often render a person not only in an emotional state but a demotivated one as well. But what is the root cause of it all? Yes, thats right, F E A R !

It’s symptoms include- person sweating profusely, sudden increase in heart rate, nervousness and the most dangerous of all- inability to take control of your life.

While it is true that fear often keeps us in our boundaries. Stops us from  being disrespectful to our elders or situations. But one can not ignore the negative effects of fear. So what is fear? Fear is actually a chain reaction in the brain, with the mastermind of this emotion being the amygdala. And what does this tell us? yes, fear is a state of mind. Nothing can affect you if you realize that it’s all in your head. Be it being sad, nervous or scared. Accept, embrace and finally conquer it.  The only thing that we need to keep in mind is that all it takes is 20 seconds. 20 seconds of bravery, 20 seconds of seizing the moment and taking an action/speaking out loud to your hearts content. It’s magical the effects it can have.

Just the knowledge of knowing that the absence of fear allows us to take full control of our lives can do wonders.  You can be sure of acing your next job interview or examination. Even if it includes resigning from your job to finally pursue your dreams, or admitting your love to a special someone. The joy it brings is truly inexplicable.

You will notice that you invariably become happier, more confident, social. All in all a better human being. So whats stopping you? Go take that leap and live your life to its full extent!

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