CSR will Improve HR

CSR will Improve HR

Corporate Social Responsibility is essentially a concept whereby companies are voluntarily contribute to a better society & environment .

According to World Business Council For Sustainable Development -` CSR is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute ton economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large`.

Section 135 of companies act 2013 states that every company having :

  • Net worth of 500 crore or more
  • Turnover of 1000 crore or more
  • Net profit of 5 crore or more during any financial year shall contribute towards the betterment of the society and constitute corporate social responsibility committee .
  • Committee shall ensures that the company spends , in every financial year , at least 2% of its average net profits. If the committee fails to spends such amount ,the board shall , in its report specify the reasons for not spending the amount .

CSR Activities as per Schedule VII:

  • Eradicating extreme hunger and poverty ,
  • Promotion of education ,
  • Promoting gender equality and empowering women ,
  • Reducing child mortality and improving maternal health ,
  • Combating human immunodeficiency virus , acquired immune deficiency syndrome , malaria ,and other diseases ,
  • Ensuring environmental sustainability ,
  • Employment enhancing vocational skills ,
  • Social business projects ,
  • Contribution to the Prime Minister`s National Relief Fund or any other fund set up by the Central Government or the State Governments for socio-economic development and relief and funds for the welfare of the Scheduled Castes , Scheduled Tribes , other backward classes , minorities and women etc.,
  • Such other matters as may be prescribed.

Further , the Companies Act 2013 provides that the company shall give preference to the local area and areas around the business operates .

We can see the above Activities  for the betterment of Human Resource of the country are good enough. If any country or government able to achieve or get above help from the big brands then it will achieve good position in HDI ( human development index) and improve HR of their countries .

Since the business is a creation of society and uses resources which belong ton the society , it should therefore respond to the demands of the society .

CSR initiatives taken by big Indian companies really improve the lifestyle of the people living around their operations :

  • CSR initiative of Aditya Birla group : the activities of the group includes innovative projects involving the development of rural youth , employment ,education , health care programmes helping disabled people and working for social causes like widow remarriage , dowry less weddings etc .
  • CSR initiative of Tata Steel : tata steel had adopted several welfare measures for its employees decades before they were incorporated in the country`s law . it has also been involved in social projects which include environmental conversation , education , health etc. tata  steel established TATA STEEL RURAL DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY for rural development which covers around 700 villages and helps in improving the quality of life of communities .

At last CSR really a good initiative to improve HR and building long term growth of the company and leads to growth of the economy  . It ultimately benefits both the society and companies .  and really hope that the government will make continuous efforts to the make CSR  transparent and efficient . this will shine out great.

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