Information TechnologyA Future of Open Internet : “NET NEUTRALITY”April 16, 20153 CommentsINTERNET : A Platform of Innovation , Free Expression, Creativity, and Entrepreneurial Economic Growth  Currently, A Buzzing word ‘Net Neutrality’ rages…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceEntrepreneurshipFrugal Innovations : A Future Economic DriverApril 14, 201514 CommentsA FRUGAL PRINCIPLE is an asset of Future Economy Being Frugal to Lead the Business Frugal, A word that buzz…
QualityManufacturing Competitive through QMS/QTTApril 6, 20159 CommentsTo being Competitive is a process of gradual up-gradation with Innovative Spirit In order to be a Manufacturing competitive there…
ArbitCreating Entrepreneurship CultureApril 4, 20156 CommentsCreating Entrepreneurship Culture: A National Growth Strategy “The Economic Greatness of a Nation is Energized by Strength and Vitality of…
Career TipsA Concept of Entrepreneur and EntrepreneurshipApril 4, 201515 CommentsEntrepreneurs are Created! Not Born itself!! Entrepreneurs can be consider as the fourth factor of Enterprise. The Economic progress of…
LegalIndustrial Safety and Standardization in SMEsMarch 31, 20159 CommentsSafety and Standardization implies Higher Growth and Development of SMEs, lead to at par with Global Competition Occupation Health and…
Life SkillsManagementImportance of Training for SkillMarch 30, 201512 CommentsA Skill is an aptitude to be develop with continual efforts and inculcating an attitude of learning through practice. Skilling…
LegalISO in briefMarch 28, 201510 CommentsStandardization is International Objective to Act Globally ISO is the International Organization for Standardization. It has a membership of span…
ManagementA Perspective on Zero Defect PolicyMarch 27, 201512 Comments‘Zero Defect’ A Philosophy to bring convergence in ideas, principle, process and approach towards the excellence. With Industry 4.0 generation,…
EntrepreneurshipSustainability & Social Audit PerspectiveMarch 25, 20158 CommentsSustainable approach is needed towards Economic, Social and Equal Justice to Auditing Sustainability auditing and reporting are used to evaluate…