Accounting, Banking & FinanceSATYAM SCANDALJune 30, 201519 CommentsSatyam Computer Services was founded by Raju Ramalinga Raju in 1987.The company offered consulting and I.T services spanning various sectors…
EconomicsGAME THEORY OF ECONOMICSJune 27, 201518 CommentsToday world in full of opportunities but with the growing educated population of India grows the level of competition in…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceWHISTLE BLOWINGJune 24, 201518 CommentsWhistle blowing is voluntary release of non public information,as a moral protest,by a member of an organisation outside the normal…
ArbitBAN ON MAGGIJune 22, 201518 CommentsMaggi is the most popular snack of India. We all agree to the fact that maggi has been ruling the…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceCORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITYJune 20, 20150Business is a part of the society.In fact it owes its existence to the society.Therefore it is the responsibility of…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceCORPORATE GOVERNANCEJune 15, 201511 CommentsCorporate governance means that company manages its business in a manner that is accountable and responsible to the shareholders.In a…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceSHARES AND DEBENTURESJune 13, 20157 CommentsIn financial markets, a share is a unit of account for various investments. It often means the stock of a corporation, but…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceEVERYTHING ABOUT SWAPSJune 10, 201514 CommentsA swap is a type of derivative where a parties exchanges a cash flow in return of a financial instrument…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceINTEREST RATE RISKJune 9, 201515 CommentsInterest rate risk is the risk suffered by bond owners due to fluctuating interest rates. Market is never stable and…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceFinancial Literacy – Written by Vinny SatijaJune 5, 201513 CommentsFinancial literacy is the ability to understand how the money market works, how people earn or make money, how he…