Accounting, Banking & FinanceForward and Future Contracts DifferenceMay 4, 20180Forward contract is an agreement between two parties under which one party agrees to buy from the other party a…
EconomicsITS’S ALL ABOUT OLIGOPOLYJuly 23, 201518 CommentsThe market is full of big companies and sellers holding huge share in the market.These companies produce large quantities of…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceLEGAL REQUIREMENTS FOR AUDIT COMMITTEESJuly 22, 201519 CommentsAccording to law the company is required to publish some information about it’s working after a fixed period of time,i.e,…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceENRON SCANDAL IN USA,2001July 21, 201517 CommentsEnron was one of the most powerful companies of USA. It was ranked in the US’Fortune Top 10 companies based…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceINSTRUMENT OF FISCAL POLICYJuly 20, 201514 CommentsThe Central Bank of India,i.e RBI, and the government makes two types of policies- MONETARY AND FISCAL POLICIES. Monetary policy…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceINSIDER TRADINGJuly 17, 201518 CommentsEvery major company has got it’s share on the stock market.The performance of a company directly affects the market value…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceEVERYTHING ABOUT GOVERNMENT BONDSJuly 15, 201525 CommentsEveryone wants to invest their money where they could get guarantee of repayment of principal amount with some profits. In…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceDerivatives – Written by Vinny SatijaJuly 11, 201512 CommentsWhat comes in your mind first when i say the word DERIVATIVES.? If i would have been a layman i…
Accounting, Banking & FinancePERFECT COMPETITION MARKET STRUCTUREJuly 7, 201518 CommentsIn a layman language market is a place where exchange of goods and services takes place. But nowadays market is…
EconomicsDISTRIBUTIONS- POISSON AND NORMALJuly 4, 201512 CommentsStatistics is an important part of our life. No research work can take place without the use of statistics.One of…