Accounting, Banking & FinanceSix partnerships that define a Partnership BusinessAugust 14, 2015102 CommentsCreating a business or even holding a business is very difficult in today’s competetive market where all other competitors are…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceAUDITINGAugust 13, 201512 CommentsThe word “AUDIT” is derived from a latin word “AUDIRE” which means ‘to hear‘, because in earlier times the auditors…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceWHAT IS CAPITAL STRUCTUREAugust 13, 201516 CommentsOne of the most important concern of a firm is to raise funds but there are some decisions need to…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceMONEY MARKET AND CAPITAL MARKETAugust 8, 201510 CommentsGuys, this article is about money market and capital market, these markets are an extension to financial market or parts…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceFINANCIAL MARKETAugust 5, 20159 CommentsFinancial market is refered to a geographical place where savers and investors meet. Savers counts all those individuals, households etc, that save…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceFINANCIAL DECISIONSAugust 2, 201521 CommentsFinancial management focuses on solving three major issues that are directly related to financial operations of a firm corresponding to…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceFIXED VS WORKING CAPITALAugust 1, 201516 CommentsToday, I will try to explain the difference between FIXED AND WORKING CAPITAL. First, let’s define them and learn their…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceWHAT IS FINANCIAL MANAGEMENTAugust 1, 201519 CommentsAs the name suggest financial management means managing finance or rather funds, we all know that funds are raised at…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceWHAT IS FINANCIAL PLANNINGAugust 1, 201516 CommentsI hope all of you are aware about what is FINANCIAL PLANNING ? But let’s take a quick revise. It is…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceSECURITIES AND EXCHANGE BOARD OF INDIA (SEBI)July 23, 201511 CommentsSEBI, securities and exchange board of india. It explains itself as an administrative body to promote orderly and healthy growth…