Accounting, Banking & FinanceFINANCIAL LEVERAGE AND SHAREHOLDERS RETURNJune 3, 201510 CommentsPrimary motive of firm in using fin. Leverage is to magnify shareholders return under favorable economic condition. Its based in…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceTHEORIES OF CAPITAL STRUCTUREJune 3, 201510 CommentsThere are mainly four theories in capital structure which are follow: Net Income Approach Net operating income approach Traditional approach…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceCapital Structure – Written by PadmaaJune 3, 20155 CommentsThe objectives of a firm should be directed towards the maximization of the value of the firm. The capital structure…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceCapital StructureJune 3, 20153 CommentsIntroduction: Capital structure determines the types of fund a firm seeks to finance its investment opportunity and the proposition in…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceTHEORIES OF DIVIDEND POLICYJune 3, 20157 CommentsDividend theories are broadly classified into two groups 1.Theories of relevance 2.Theories of irrelevance Theories of relevance : Walter and…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceDIVIDEND POLICYMay 31, 201517 CommentsIntroduction: The primary objective of financial management is to maximize the market value of the firm. For which we need…
Human ResourcesANALYSIS OF A JOBMay 30, 201522 CommentsIntroduction: It is the process of getting detailed information about a job. It is of utmost importance to both the…
MarketingSEGMENT MARKETINGMay 25, 201517 CommentsIntroduction: Divides the market in different subgroups or classes commonly known as segments. An organization faces a lot of problems in…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceGST IN EXPORT AND IMPORTMay 19, 20158 CommentsGST on Export: Exports would be tax exempt. Benefits to be given to SEZ’s which will only be allowed to…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceGOODS AND SERVICE TAX (GST)May 17, 20159 CommentsIntroduction: Goods and Service Tax (GST) is a comprehensive tax levy on manufacture, sale and consumption of goods and service…