Human ResourcesThe art of learning : Studying after jobJuly 2, 201522 CommentsLearning is said to be a lifelong process. You never stop learning but is it the same with studying? You…
Human ResourcesPain of DepressionJune 29, 201522 CommentsYou must have heard or seen the advertisement campaign launched by the government of India to create awareness about mental…
Human ResourcesIt’s a secret : Transparency in officesJune 28, 201517 CommentsTo ask for transparency in businesses and offices is a risk you take on your own! And I say this…
Human ResourcesEvil HR mistakes!June 28, 201520 CommentsAll throughout your life you’ve heard all about the hard work that HR department has to put up and how…
Life Skills5 things to do instead of summer internshipJune 25, 201536 CommentsWaking up early even on weekends, running around the city in scorching heat, complaining about the stink of sweat and…
Human ResourcesHR spoof poof!June 23, 201523 CommentsThe Onion may be a spoof magazine, focused on bringing into news less prominent pieces of bulletin through humour and…
Human ResourcesThink twice before posting! Boss is watching!June 22, 201526 CommentsThink twice before posting! It’s not an advice but a clear shot warning for young party enthusiasts who are big…
Human ResourcesSalesman and the human resource departmentJune 20, 201516 CommentsJust exactly how do people go from being door-to-door salesman to becoming the key persons of their enterprise or starting…
Human ResourcesAim, shoot! : Human Resource, take cover!June 19, 201519 CommentsDid you realize that the kinds of games you play determine the kind of person you are? And I’m not…
Human ResourcesRemote- employment opportunities!June 18, 201518 CommentsAs you go to any Starbucks near you, you find employees working even on their breaks. Having a jaw-aching-permanent-smiley-face meeting…