Information TechnologyIT in FinanceJune 8, 201513 CommentsHow phenomenal has the growth in IT been? It continues to suprise us with it’s flexible implementations in every domain…
ArbitServices vs ProductsJune 8, 201513 CommentsHow often do you come across these categorizations? Oh Amazon is a service based company!Google is really focused on developing…
Information TechnologyBusiness IntegrationMay 20, 201513 CommentsBusiness Integration is a strategic implementation which mirrors how technology is being absorbed as a function of business.It synchronizes information technology…
Information TechnologyMOOC : The new way to learn.May 11, 201522 CommentsEver wondered if you could just learn a particular subject at your own pace?Or master a skill within a time…
Information TechnologyData Science: Consider this !March 12, 20159 CommentsAs I mentioned in my earlier post, trillions of bytes of data is being added to the internet every day.…
Information TechnologyData StructuresFebruary 28, 201510 CommentsDo you know the volume of data that is available on the internet? Its hard to lay down a figure.But…
Information TechnologyLinux as an operating systemFebruary 28, 201510 CommentsLinux is one of the most widely used operating system in the world. It has been modeled after the UNIX…
ElectronicsInformation TechnologyComputational NeuroscienceFebruary 6, 20158 CommentsEver wondered how the millions of neurons inside our brain work?How they communicate with each other?How they process all this…
Information TechnologySAPFebruary 6, 20155 CommentsEver heard of ERP’s? ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning.And what does that do? Apartment complexes these days are well…
Mobile Application DevelopmentApache CordovaFebruary 6, 20159 CommentsIgnore it or not mobile platform are the emerging markets today.Convenience is key. Ever had a ground breaking idea for…