Accounting, Banking & FinanceRipples Of MonsoonJuly 12, 201525 CommentsThe farmers of India have been dependent on Rainfall for immemorial time to irrigate farms and grow the harvest, but…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceForensic AccountingJune 19, 201516 CommentsForensic accounting is the specialty area of the accountancy which anticipates disputes or litigation. The forensic accountants generally have to…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceUnveiling the expected Student Debt Crisis in USAJune 19, 201513 CommentsDecade post the 2008 financial crisis, investment professionals still remain vary about unchecked market bubbles that could burst and trigger fresh…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceGold ETFJune 19, 201512 CommentsExchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are mutual fund units which investors buy/ sell from the stock exchange, as against a normal…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceDerivatives and its typesJune 19, 201513 CommentsThe term ‘Derivative’ stands for an agreement which derives its price from or is dependent upon an underlying asset. The…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceAmalgamationJune 19, 201515 CommentsAmalgamation is combining of two or more companies to form a single company. It can happen is three ways which…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceAlgorithm TradingJune 18, 201511 CommentsAlgorithmic trading is a trading system that operates on a very advanced mathematical models for making transaction decisions in the…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceRetirement Crisis in USJune 17, 201511 CommentsMillions of Americans are in vulnerability of not having enough money to housekeep their standard of living in retirement. The…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceWalk Of FinanceJune 17, 201512 CommentsEveryone is on a look out to be a billionaire in a short interval of time. But is the industry…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceCommercial bank branches accessibility easeJune 17, 20159 CommentsCommercial bank branches are retail locations of resident commercial banks and other resident banks that function as commercial bank that…