Advantages of being an Indian government Employee!

Advantages of being an Indian government Employee!

After our graduation, many of us apply for banking jobs or start preparing to enter the civil services. But why do we actually run for government jobs? What are the perks of being a government employee in India? Let’s find out.

So here’s presenting to you the advantages of being a government employee:

  1. Job security: Imagine you get a good employment opportunity in a big MNC with a fairly good package. But, just after 5-6 months, the firm incurs losses and so as to reduce its costs, it terminates many employees. You would find yourself left out of nowhere! Well, that is not the case with a government job. Once, you are employed in any government office, that job goes on for a lifetime (until you retire) and it is only you who can leave the job, not the other way round!
  2. Fixed working hours: The government jobs have an advantage over private jobs in terms of fixed working hours. Private jobs demand long working hours (even overtime!) and is really stressing for the employees.
  3. Perks/benefits: The government jobs come along with a series of benefits which private jobs fail to provide. It includes pensions, retirement benefits, medical facilities and many more. These provide incentives to individuals to work hard before retirement, so as to enjoy the benefits of the same after retirement. This is truly, one of the biggest advantages of working in a government portal.
  4. Reduced workload: During your tenure as an employee to a government firm, one is quite relieved with reduced workload which increases the efficiency of work done by the employee and brings out the best from the employees.
  5. Opportunity for growth: Government workers have an opportunity to grow within the organization and reach new heights within the organization. Many exams are conducted within the organizations for acquiring higher positions and are open to all to apply for the same.

Well, now you all know where to apply after you complete your graduation!

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