Accounting, Banking & FinanceDerivative MarketsFebruary 10, 20154 CommentsOver the last 3 decades, fluctuations in interest rate, currencies and the prices of the raw materials have become so…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceSupply and DemandFebruary 10, 20154 CommentsIt is natural to say that the demand for a particular commodity is determined by the supply and demand for…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceKinds of Deposits in a Commercial BankFebruary 10, 20155 CommentsA lot of people particularly students do not know what kind of deposits are available for a consumer. One of…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceDiscounting Bill of ExchangeFebruary 10, 20155 CommentsDiscounting Bill of Exchange and Overdraft Facility Provided by a Commercial Bank There are various facilities provided by a commercial…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceThe Magic called Compound InterestFebruary 10, 20152 CommentsAlbert Einstein, in his lifetime, frequently said, “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. The power of compound…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceMoney marketsFebruary 9, 20152 CommentsMoney markets consist of the discount, inter banks, certificates of deposit and local (municipal) authority and euro currency markets. The…
Accounting, Banking & Financefinancial conglomeratesFebruary 9, 2015Briault defined a financial conglomerate as a firm that undertakes at least two of five financial activities:intermediary/payments, insurance, securities/corporate finance, fund management…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceInnovations:To fund Infrastructure in IndiaFebruary 7, 20154 CommentsIt is necessary to make investment in infrastructure projects to assists the economic and socio-economic activities. Businesses get facility in their…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceIndia’s Trade DeficitFebruary 6, 20154 CommentsTrade deficit is usually referred as the negative balance of trade which occurs when the value of goods being imported…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceThe True Cost of a Credit CardFebruary 6, 20153 CommentsBorrowing money on a credit card is expensive. Many companies quote yearly interest charges of 15 to 21 percent. However,…