Accounting, Banking & FinanceMarket FailureApril 25, 201516 CommentsTo be in an equilibrium position, demand and supply for a particular good need to be equal or diagrammatically, the…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceEconomies of scopeApril 25, 201516 CommentsThis is usually taught that once we use a thing, before throwing we should think, how could it be recycled…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceThe Rising Significance of Social Progress IndexApril 25, 201520 CommentsA country can economically progress only if the people living in that country are happy and satisfied with their lives.…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceINTEREST RATE CHANGES AND ITS IMPACTApril 24, 201512 CommentsThe working of transmission mechanism of the monetary policy means the way as per which changes in the interest rate…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceFederal Reserve response to crisisApril 23, 20158 CommentsU.S. housing policies were the root cause of the financial crisis . Other players – “greedy” investment bankers, foolish investors,…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceComputerized Accounting Versus Manual AccountingApril 22, 201518 CommentsIn the current scenario, advent of computer is in every field.In business firms also,computerized accounting is used instead of manual…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceFinancial Planning – Written by Vinay MucharlaApril 22, 20158 CommentsThe ability to set a goal is always a measure of a person’s ability to succeed. But then, setting goals…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceBUDGET OF NCT OF DELHI-2015April 21, 20158 CommentsIt being approximately 2 months of new government of Delhi lead by AAP. And in these two months it’s not…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceThe much awaited AAP budgetApril 21, 20154 CommentsArvind Kejriwal government is yet again preparing itself to face the litmus test as it prepares to present the final…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceAAP’s BudgetApril 21, 20156 CommentsAAP’s Budget : Crowning the Masses Budget has always been up on the priority list of both the masses…