Accounting, Banking & FinanceBUDGETARY CONTROLMay 24, 20154 CommentsBudget is defined as ” a plan quantified in monetary terms prepared and approved prior to a defined period of…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceRATIO ANALYSISMay 24, 20152 CommentsThe primary uses of financial statements are evaluating past performance and predicting future performance and both of these are facilitated…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceDEPRECIATIONMay 24, 20151 CommentDepreciation may be defined as the decrease in the value of an asset on account of natural wear and tear…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceCredit RatingMay 22, 201513 CommentsCredit Rating: Role of Credit Rating for success of Financial Services What are Credit Ratings? Credit rating can simply be…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceUNIFORM COSTINGMay 22, 201512 CommentsUniform costing implies the use of same costing principles and practices by the various organisations and is therefore not a distinct or…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceSTANDARD COSTINGMay 20, 201512 CommentsStandard costing is a technique which was uses standard for costs and revenues for the purpose of control through variance…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceCOST-VOLUME-PROFIT, CVP ANALYSISMay 19, 201512 CommentsWe know that the relationship between Sales,Cost and Profit Sales-Variable cost = Contribution Contribution – Fixed cost =Profit From above…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceGST IN EXPORT AND IMPORTMay 19, 20158 CommentsGST on Export: Exports would be tax exempt. Benefits to be given to SEZ’s which will only be allowed to…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceCapital Account Convertibility by Kannammai PalaniappanMay 19, 201511 CommentsCapital account and current account are two major components contributing to balance of payments. Current account represents regular trade transactions…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceGST: The road gone by and the road aheadMay 18, 201527 CommentsGST – Goods and Services Tax – one simple abbreviation to remove all the complexities of taxation in India. The…