Accounting, Banking & FinanceThe Financial Risks For 2015July 7, 201522 CommentsAlthough we are in the middle of the year 2015, but it’s never too late to have a look at…
Accounting, Banking & FinancePERFECT COMPETITION MARKET STRUCTUREJuly 7, 201518 CommentsIn a layman language market is a place where exchange of goods and services takes place. But nowadays market is…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceARBITRAGEJuly 7, 201525 Comments Financially, Arbitrage means taking the advantage of difference in prices of two or more markets. Arbitrage basically means no…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceOpen InterestJuly 6, 201511 CommentsOne of the terms that you might have already observed while looking up options, or should know before we proceed…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceConsumer Price Index (CPI)July 6, 201524 CommentsA consumer price index much like a stock market index gives an idea about the situation of the market.It gives…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceCredit Ratings – Grades do matter!July 6, 201525 Comments“Zambia Credit Rating cut by S&P on widening budget deficit” “S&P cuts Bank of India’s credit profile rating” “Weak monsoon…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceExchange rate regimesJuly 5, 201515 CommentsExchange rate regimes are methods adopted by a country’s authority to value their currency with respect to other currencies in…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceThe money gone black…July 5, 201520 CommentsWHAT IS BLACK MONEY? Let us say I bought a property for Rs.8 crore.I paid Rs. 5 crore in cheque…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceConstraints of Financial Inclusion-PMJDYJuly 5, 201519 CommentsFinancial Inclusion or inclusive financing in simple terms is the extension of financial services such as credit, insurance, banking and…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceCAPITAL BUDGETING – by Prateek GuptaJuly 5, 2015104 CommentsInvestment appraisal alternate for Capital budgeting , is the process of planning which is used to determine whether a company’s long term…