Accounting, Banking & FinanceBonus Issue of SharesJuly 26, 201518 CommentsBonus share is a free share of stock given to existing shareholders of the Company. The bonus issue is based…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceESTIMATING THE VALUE OF A BUSINESSJuly 25, 201535 CommentsThe ultimate measure of a business’s cumulative success is its value.valuing a business is an art, and there are a…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceQuantitative easingJuly 25, 201531 CommentsQuantitative Easing is a monetary policy which is unconventional in nature and by dint of which the central bank of…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceINSTITUTIONAL TRADING PLATFORMJuly 25, 201525 CommentsBusiness Graph with arrow and coins showing profits and gains INSTITUTIONAL TRADING PLATFORM The institutional trading platform (ITP) is…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceSignificance of MRPJuly 24, 201524 CommentsAll goods in India that are packaged, ranging from beverages to electronics, are marked with a price that is the…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceSECURITIES AND EXCHANGE BOARD OF INDIA (SEBI)July 23, 201511 CommentsSEBI, securities and exchange board of india. It explains itself as an administrative body to promote orderly and healthy growth…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceUNDERSTANDING THE BALANCE SHEETJuly 23, 20159 CommentsA balance sheet summarizes what a business owns and what it owes.It is one of the key financial statements and…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceBlackberry-on a track to demiseJuly 23, 201524 CommentsRemember when having a blackberry smartphone was such a big thing! You could flaunt it literally in front of every…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceFISCAL POLICYJuly 23, 201519 CommentsFiscal policy is that policy of the government which makes use of the tools of public revenue and public expenditure…
Accounting, Banking & FinanceHaircut!July 23, 201547 CommentsDISCLAIMER: Some haircuts are painful! And most definitely, it does not make you feel good! Haircut, contrary to the popular…