Abilene Paradox

Abilene Paradox – How irrational decision making governs group dynamics

Abilene Paradox- How irrational decision making governs group dynamics


Once upon a time a family was enjoying a sunny holiday at home. Suddenly one of the family members suggested at random that all of them should go to Abilene which was rather far off. One of them said that the idea was good trying to be polite and encouraging. The others followed and finally all of them were on their way to the ‘amazing trip’. When they reached the restaurant, the food wasn’t good at all. All the shops were closed. There was nothing to do. All of them returned back tired and frustrated only to discover that neither of them wanted to go in the first place.


It is a phenomenon according to which the individuals in an organization take irrational or wrong decisions because they think that that is what the whole group wants. They put team interests above their own interests. The paradox was explained by Jerry B Harvey, professor of Management Science, in his book The Abilene Paradox and Other Meditations on Management (1988).

It represents the failure faced by a firm because it was unable to manage agreement rather than conflict. Generally, companies take decisions as opposed to the information preset with them which creates an even bigger mess.


The following points must be kept in mind while dealing with such a situation:

  1. Rational thinking must be awarded.
  2. Discussion must be encouraged rather than a simple yes or no.
  3. If some people are silent, it should not be mistaken for consent. Prompt them to talk.
  4. Always take a third person perspective. E.g.: Make sure that someone from another dept. is present in the meeting.
  5. Have some people who oppose the proposal and others who support it.

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