A Farmer’s Well Being…

A Farmer's Well Being...Agricultural development Need of the Hour

Agricultural development : the Need of the Hour… why?

Our India is a very populated country. A farmer works in a field &  produce wheat, rice , cereals etc for the consumption of this big population. He has to face many challenges & when he finds himself  unable to face the challenges he tries to  commit suicide. There is no any suicide committed by any intermediator for any loss, or by any government agency employee. The farmer is the only person who have to face the loss. This is a very pitiable and shameful thing to  every person of the country.

The natural factor such as heavy rain with hailstorms etc destroyed their produces crops. This destruction spread water on their physical effort and money they invested. However government write off some of their debts fully or partially but this is not the final solution. This incident creates the shortage of crops and leads rise the price of the commodity i.e  the inflation and sometimes changes into drought. This deteriorate the condition of a farmer.

However government is consistently helping the poor farmers by providing loan  with low rate of interest , seeds & irrigation facility etc, despite government help some of the  peasants are unable to survive. Most of the intermediator does not get loss. The government also does not get so much loss as the farmer gets the loss. Those farmers are poor who have no their own field and have to work on other field.

Government need to provide land to them. There must be cultivating land that should not be used for industry or service sector. Because the other sectors are dependent on the agriculture sector. A farmer has a profession of farming, he need field, seed, irrigation facility, finance facility & assistance on the time of natural disaster. If the government or business people acquire land for industry or service sector purpose in return they will pay money to the farmer and may provide employment.

As we know that a farmer profession comes in the primary sector which provides the raw materials to the manufacturing sector whereas the service sector includes financial system, educational system, transport system etc. there is need of development of the primary sector and a farmer plays important role in it. Today  due to the education nobody wants to become a farmer instead everyone wanted to work in  a manufacturing or service sector. But the farmers who want to do agriculture , should be supported by the government or the business people other wise shortage in the crops will not full fill the demand of the increasing population.

At last but not least the farmers interest must be preserved, they are also the member of the society who works hard in the field not  only for their food but  also for us.

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13 Comments. Leave new

  • Shatakshi Bhargava
    May 11, 2015 4:38 pm

    Very well written and i totally agree to what is said. I believe that agriculture has been the backbone of Indian economy and hence its development must not be ignored.

  • Kriti Sethi
    May 11, 2015 5:04 pm

    Very well explained. A topic that needs to be addressed by the government. Great that you picked this up! 🙂

  • Padmaa Murugesan
    May 12, 2015 3:28 pm

    Good explanation…!

  • Rahul Singhai
    May 14, 2015 6:20 pm

    Well written article

  • India can become devoloped only if we devolop agriculture and industrial sector and make them work hand in hand..
    We really need another revolution I guess..
    Good work!!

  • Jannat Sandhu
    July 21, 2015 12:35 am

    Well explained

  • well written

  • Abhishek Khapre
    August 5, 2015 8:45 am

    nicely articulated

    I am not against the article but the ground reality of farmers which I’ve observed, i can tell 3 things

    1. first of all farmers of our country are mostly non-educated, they cannot take full advantage of the Govt. Policies like loans and other help. Due to lack of proper education they dont have the crisis management for draugts, floods and other stuffs. Even for the management of plant disease and pests/insects farmers used cheapest option available, instead of proper insectiside/pesticide, and same for the fertilizers too.
    Today the farmers are actually in Dilema, wheather continue with the traditional procedures of farming or go with the current trends.

    2. Article mentioned about Land should be provided by Govt. but the resources are minimum, from where do the Govt. will provide land. High yeilding crops such as BT-crops are developed by the scientists for the same reason but farmers and society are not accepting it. basically they have doubt about the toxicity of crops.

    3. last about the buisness, farmers should hit the market, but they sell their stuff to Middle-men.

    so the development of Agriculture will only come from proper education of Plant sciences, Agricultural sciences and Buisness skills.
    Govt. should try to provide these things to the farmers to keep their interest not the cheap loans and the free seeds and fertilizers.

  • Abhishek Khapre
    August 5, 2015 8:46 am

    Hii Madan,
    nicely articulated, but i have differnt views

    I am not against the article but the ground reality of farmers which I’ve observed, i can tell 3 things

    1. first of all farmers of our country are mostly non-educated, they cannot take full advantage of the Govt. Policies like loans and other help. Due to lack of proper education they dont have the crisis management for draugts, floods and other stuffs. Even for the management of plant disease and pests/insects farmers used cheapest option available, instead of proper insectiside/pesticide, and same for the fertilizers too.
    Today the farmers are actually in Dilema, wheather continue with the traditional procedures of farming or go with the current trends.

    2. Article mentioned about Land should be provided by Govt. but the resources are minimum, from where do the Govt. will provide land. High yeilding crops such as BT-crops are developed by the scientists for the same reason but farmers and society are not accepting it. basically they have doubt about the toxicity of crops.

    3. last about the buisness, farmers should hit the market, but they sell their stuff to Middle-men.

    so the development of Agriculture will only come from proper education of Plant sciences, Agricultural sciences and Buisness skills.
    Govt. should try to provide these things to the farmers to keep their interest not the cheap loans and the free seeds and fertilizers.

  • Vineet Agarwal
    August 5, 2015 9:13 am

    Well said broo change is a must,the policies pf the. Government should be overhauled tailoring to the needs of the farmers

  • The only culture that has been stayed with us from generations is to be respected and taken care of 🙂

  • Tathagat Sarthaka
    October 15, 2015 11:27 pm

    Very well written

  • Ushant Ghimire
    October 15, 2015 11:38 pm

    nice thoughts…


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