PHP Interview Questions

Top 100 PHP Interview Questions 2025

Are you gearing up for a PHP interview in 2025? Whether you’re just starting out or already have some experience, we know how nerve-wracking interviews can be. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of Top 100 PHP Interview Questions to help you feel confident and prepared.

PHP continues to be one of the most popular programming languages for web development, powering millions of websites and applications worldwide. Companies are always on the lookout for PHP pros, and this blog will give you the edge you need to land that dream job. Let’s move straightaway to the questions.

When starting your journey with PHP, it’s important to have a solid grasp of the basics. We’ve compiled the most common beginner-level PHP interview questions in this section. These are perfect for freshers or those just stepping into the world of PHP development. Let’s get started!

Q1: What is PHP?

A: PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a server-side scripting language designed for web development. It’s widely used to create dynamic and interactive web pages.

Q2: What are PHP’s key features?


  • Open-source and free.
  • Easy to learn and use.
  • Cross-platform compatibility.
  • Supports various databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL.
  • Efficient for dynamic web content.

Q3: How does PHP differ from client-side scripting languages like JavaScript?

A: PHP runs on the server, processing requests before sending the output (like HTML) to the browser, while JavaScript runs on the client’s browser.

Q4: What are PHP variables, and how are they declared?

A: Variables in PHP store data and are declared using the $ symbol, followed by the variable name. Example:

$name = “John”;

Q5: What are PHP data types?

A: PHP supports several data types like:

  • String
  • Integer
  • Float
  • Boolean
  • Array
  • Object

Q6: How do you create a comment in PHP?

A: Use // for single-line comments and /* */ for multi-line comments. Example:

// This is a single-line comment

/* This is a

multi-line comment */

Q7: What is the difference between echo and print?

A: Both are used to output data, but echo is slightly faster and does not return a value, while print returns a value of 1.

Q8: How do you write a simple PHP script?

A: A basic PHP script looks like this:


echo “Hello, World!”;


Q9: What is the purpose of php.ini?

A: php.ini is the configuration file for PHP. It allows you to set options like file upload size, memory limits, and error reporting.

Q10: What is the difference between include and require?

A: Both are used to include files in PHP, but require throws a fatal error if the file is not found, while include only gives a warning.

Q11: What are superglobals in PHP?

A: Superglobals are built-in variables accessible from anywhere in the script. Examples:

  • $_GET
  • $_POST
  • $_COOKIE

Q12: How do you declare a constant in PHP?

A: Use the define() function:

define(“SITE_NAME”, “My Website”);

Q13: What are PHP sessions?

A: Sessions store user data (like login information) across multiple pages. Example:


$_SESSION[‘username’] = “John”;

Q14: How do you handle errors in PHP?

A: Use functions like error_reporting() and try-catch blocks for error handling. Example:

try {

  // Code

} catch (Exception $e) {

  echo $e->getMessage();


Q15: What is a PHP array?

A: An array stores multiple values in one variable. Example:

$fruits = array(“Apple”, “Banana”, “Cherry”);

Q16: What are the different types of arrays in PHP?


  • Indexed Arrays
  • Associative Arrays
  • Multidimensional Arrays

Q17: What is the use of the isset() function?

A: isset() checks if a variable is set and not null. Example:

if (isset($name)) {

  echo “Variable is set”;


Q18: How do you connect to a MySQL database using PHP?

A: Using mysqli or PDO. Example with mysqli:

$conn = new mysqli(“localhost”, “username”, “password”, “database”);

Q19: What is the difference between single and double quotes in PHP?

A: Single quotes treat variables as plain text, while double quotes parse variables. Example:

$name = “John”;

echo ‘Hello $name’; // Outputs: Hello $name

echo “Hello $name”; // Outputs: Hello John

Q20: What are PHP functions?

A: Functions are reusable blocks of code. Example:

function greet($name) {

  return “Hello, $name!”;


Q21: How do you check the type of a variable?

A: Use the gettype() function. Example:

echo gettype($name); // Outputs: string

Q22: What is the empty() function?

A: empty() checks if a variable is empty. Example:

if (empty($var)) {

  echo “Variable is empty”;


Q23: What is a loop in PHP?

A: Loops repeat a block of code. Common loops:

  • for
  • while
  • foreach

Q24: What is the purpose of the explode() function?

A: explode() splits a string into an array. Example:

$str = “Hello,World”;

$arr = explode(“,”, $str);

Q25: What is a PHP object?

A: Objects are instances of classes that bundle data and methods. Example:

class Car {

  public $color;

  public function drive() {

    return “Driving”;



Q26: What is the require_once statement?

A: It includes a file only once, preventing duplicates. Example:

require_once “file.php”;

Q27: What is a PHP string?

A: A string is a sequence of characters. Example:

$text = “Hello, World!”;

Q28: How do you handle file uploads in PHP?

A: Use the $_FILES superglobal and move the uploaded file with move_uploaded_file().

Q29: How do you generate random numbers in PHP?

A: Use the rand() function. Example:

echo rand(1, 100);

Q30: What is the purpose of header() in PHP?

A: header() sends raw HTTP headers to the browser. Example:

header(“Location: index.php”);

So, you’ve got the basics of PHP down and are ready to take it up a notch? Great! This section focuses on intermediate-level questions that explore deeper PHP concepts. These questions will help you understand how PHP works in real-world scenarios.

Q31: Explain the difference between include and require.


  • include: Includes a file and shows a warning if the file is missing, but the script will continue to execute.
  • require: Includes a file, but throws a fatal error if the file is missing, stopping the script.


include “file.php”; // Continues even if file.php is missing

require “file.php”; // Stops if file.php is missing

Q32: How does PHP handle sessions?

Sessions store user-specific data across multiple pages. To start a session, use session_start() and store data in $_SESSION.



$_SESSION[‘username’] = “John”;

echo $_SESSION[‘username’]; // Outputs: John

Q33: What is the difference between GET and POST methods?


  • GET: Sends data in the URL. Best for simple data like search queries.
  • POST: Sends data in the request body. Best for sensitive or large data.

Q34: What is the purpose of unset() and unlink()?


  • unset(): Deletes a variable.
  • unlink(): Deletes a file.


unset($var); // Removes a variable

unlink(“file.txt”); // Deletes a file

Q35: How does PHP handle cookies?

A: Cookies store small amounts of user data on the client side. Use setcookie() to create a cookie.


setcookie(“username”, “John”, time() + 3600); // Expires in 1 hour

Q36: What is the difference between == and === in PHP?


  • ==: Compares values, ignoring type.
  • ===: Compares both value and type.


1 == “1”;  // True

1 === “1”; // False

Q37: How do you handle file operations in PHP?

A: Use functions like fopen(), fread(), fwrite(), and fclose().


$file = fopen(“test.txt”, “w”);

fwrite($file, “Hello, World!”);


Q38: What is an associative array in PHP?

A: An array where keys are strings instead of numbers.


$person = array(“name” => “John”, “age” => 30);

echo $person[“name”]; // Outputs: John

Q39: What is the difference between foreach and for loops?


  • for: Iterates using a counter.
  • foreach: Iterates directly over arrays.


$fruits = array(“Apple”, “Banana”);

foreach ($fruits as $fruit) {

  echo $fruit;


Q40: How do you validate a form in PHP?

A: Use $_POST or $_GET to get input and check for validity using conditions or regex.


if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {

  echo “Invalid email!”;


Q41: What is PDO in PHP?

A: PHP Data Objects (PDO) is a database access layer supporting multiple databases.


$pdo = new PDO(“mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test”, “user”, “password”);

Q42: What are prepared statements?

A: They prevent SQL injection by separating queries from data.


$stmt = $pdo->prepare(“SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = ?”);


Q43: How do you check if a file exists in PHP?

A: Use the file_exists() function.


if (file_exists(“test.txt”)) {

  echo “File exists”;


Q44: What is the purpose of the header() function?

A: It sends raw HTTP headers.


header(“Location: index.php”);

Q45: What is the explode() function in PHP?

A: It splits a string into an array.


$arr = explode(“,”, “apple,banana,cherry”);

Q46: How do you upload files in PHP?

A: Use the $_FILES superglobal and move_uploaded_file().


move_uploaded_file($_FILES[“file”][“tmp_name”], “uploads/” . $_FILES[“file”][“name”]);

Q47: What is json_encode() and json_decode()?


  • json_encode(): Converts PHP data to JSON.
  • json_decode(): Converts JSON to PHP data.

Q48: How do you redirect a user in PHP?

A: Use the header() function.


header(“Location: home.php”);


Q49: What is the difference between static and global variables?


  • static: Retains its value between function calls.
  • global: Accesses variables outside the function.

Q50: What is the isset() function used for?

A: Checks if a variable is set and not null.

Q51: How do you handle errors in PHP?

A: Use try-catch blocks or set custom error handlers.

Q52: How do you send an email in PHP?

A: Use the mail() function.


mail(“[email protected]”, “Subject”, “Message”);

Q53: What are traits in PHP?

A: Traits allow you to reuse code in multiple classes.

Q54: What is spl_autoload_register()?

A: It loads classes automatically.

Q55: What are PHP filters?

A: Used to validate and sanitize data.

Q56: How do you set PHP time zones?

A: Use date_default_timezone_set().

Q57: What is session_destroy()?

A: Ends the session and clears session data.

Q58: How do you calculate the execution time of a script?

A: Use microtime().

Q59: What is a namespace in PHP?

A: A way to encapsulate code to avoid name conflicts.

Q60: What is the password_hash() function?

A: It hashes passwords securely.

These intermediate questions dive deeper into PHP’s capabilities. Practice them, and you’ll feel confident in your PHP skills for interviews!

Understanding advanced concepts like object-oriented programming, frameworks, and debugging is crucial if you’re already comfortable with PHP and want to stand out in interviews. This section focuses on deeper PHP topics that will help you demonstrate expertise. Let’s get into it!

Q61: What is Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in PHP?

A: OOP is a programming paradigm that organizes code into classes and objects. It helps in writing reusable, scalable, and maintainable code.

Q62: What are the main pillars of OOP in PHP?


  • Encapsulation: Hides internal details and exposes only necessary functionality.
  • Inheritance: Allows a class to inherit properties and methods from another class.
  • Polymorphism: Allows methods to perform differently based on the object calling them.

Q63: Explain the concept of inheritance in PHP.

A: Inheritance allows a class to inherit properties and methods from another class using the extends keyword.


class Animal {

  public function sound() {

    echo “Animal makes a sound”;



class Dog extends Animal {

  public function sound() {

    echo “Dog barks”;



Q64: What is an abstract class in PHP?

A: An abstract class cannot be instantiated and must be extended by child classes. It can contain both abstract and concrete methods.


abstract class Vehicle {

  abstract public function move();


class Car extends Vehicle {

  public function move() {

    echo “Car moves”;



Q65: What are interfaces in PHP?

A: Interfaces define a contract that implementing classes must follow. They only contain method declarations.


interface Logger {

  public function log($message);


class FileLogger implements Logger {

  public function log($message) {

    echo “Logging: $message”;



Q66: What are PHP traits, and why are they used?

A: Traits are used to reuse code across multiple classes. They solve the problem of single inheritance by allowing methods from multiple sources.


trait Logger {

  public function log($message) {

    echo $message;



class User {

  use Logger;


Q67: Compare Laravel and Symfony.

Learning CurveEasier for beginnersSteeper, more advanced
CommunityLarge and activeSmaller but robust
PerformanceModerateHigh for large projects
Use CasesRapid app developmentEnterprise applications

Q68: What is dependency injection in PHP?

A: Dependency injection (DI) is a design pattern that passes dependencies (like objects or services) to a class instead of creating them inside the class.


class Mailer {

  public function send() {

    echo “Email sent”;



class User {

  protected $mailer;

  public function __construct(Mailer $mailer) {

    $this->mailer = $mailer;



Q69: Explain middleware in Laravel.

A: Middleware filters HTTP requests entering the application. For example, authentication middleware ensures that only authenticated users access specific routes.

Q70: What is Eloquent ORM in Laravel?

A: Eloquent is Laravel’s Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) that simplifies database operations by using models and relationships.

Q71: How do you debug PHP applications?

A: Use debugging tools like:

  • var_dump() and print_r() for variable inspection.
  • Error logs (error_log()).
  • Debugging extensions like Xdebug.

Q72: What is a PHP namespace, and why is it used?

A: Namespaces organize classes, functions, and constants to avoid name collisions.


namespace MyApp;

class User {

  public function display() {

    echo “User class”;



Q73: What is the difference between throw and try-catch?


  • throw: Throws an exception.
  • try-catch: Handles exceptions thrown by throw.


try {

  throw new Exception(“An error occurred”);

} catch (Exception $e) {

  echo $e->getMessage();


Q74: How does PHP handle multithreading?

A: PHP is not inherently multithreaded but can handle asynchronous tasks using libraries like ReactPHP or threading extensions like pthreads.

Q75: What is a closure in PHP?

A: A closure is an anonymous function often used as a callback.


$greet = function($name) {

  return “Hello, $name!”;


echo $greet(“John”);

Q76: Explain the Singleton design pattern in PHP.

A: The Singleton pattern ensures a class has only one instance and provides global access to it.


class Singleton {

  private static $instance;

  private function __construct() {}

  public static function getInstance() {

    if (!self::$instance) {

      self::$instance = new Singleton();


    return self::$instance;



Q77: What is the purpose of Composer in PHP?

A: Composer is a dependency management tool that allows you to manage libraries and packages in your PHP projects.

Q78: What are migrations in Laravel?

A: Migrations are like version control for your database, allowing you to create and modify tables programmatically.

Q79: What is advanced error handling in PHP?

A: Use custom error handlers and exceptions for better control:

set_error_handler(function($errno, $errstr) {

  echo “Error: $errstr”;


Q80: What is the difference between final and static in PHP?


  • final: Prevents a class or method from being extended or overridden.
  • static: Allows access to properties and methods without creating an instance of the class.

These advanced questions cover complex topics and frameworks that showcase your in-depth PHP knowledge. Practicing these will ensure you’re prepared to impress in any technical interview!

Scenario-based questions test your ability to solve real-world problems using PHP. These questions focus on optimizing code, handling challenges in applications, and showcasing practical skills. Let’s look at some common scenarios and how to tackle them effectively!

Q81: How would you optimize a slow PHP application?

A: Steps to optimize a PHP application:

  1. Use caching mechanisms like Memcached or Redis.
  2. Minimize database queries with optimized SQL and indexes.
  3. Use opcache for PHP script caching.
  4. Load assets asynchronously and minimize file sizes (CSS/JS).
  5. Profile the application with tools like Xdebug or Blackfire.


// Using Redis for caching

$redis = new Redis();

$redis->connect(‘’, 6379);

$cacheKey = ‘user_data’;

if ($redis->exists($cacheKey)) {

  $data = $redis->get($cacheKey);

} else {

  $data = fetchFromDatabase();

  $redis->set($cacheKey, $data);


Q82: Explain how to handle large data processing in PHP.

A: For large datasets:

  • Use batch processing instead of loading all data at once.
  • Use PHP streams to handle file processing.
  • Optimize memory usage with ini_set() to adjust memory limits.


// Reading a large file line by line

$handle = fopen(“large_file.txt”, “r”);

while (($line = fgets($handle)) !== false) {




Q83: How would you implement rate limiting in PHP?

A: Use a database or caching system to track API request counts per user and reset limits periodically.



if ($redis->get(“user:123:requests”) > 100) {

  echo “Rate limit exceeded”;


Q84: How do you handle concurrent database updates?

A: Use transactions and row-level locking to ensure consistency.



$db->query(“UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance – 100 WHERE id = 1”);

$db->query(“UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance + 100 WHERE id = 2”);


Q85: How would you debug a PHP application in production?


  1. Log errors to a file using error_log().
  2. Use external logging tools like Sentry.
  3. Avoid displaying errors directly to users for security.


ini_set(“log_errors”, 1);

ini_set(“error_log”, “/path/to/php-error.log”);

Q86: How would you design a file upload system with validation?


  1. Validate file type and size.
  2. Save files in a secure directory with unique names.
  3. Restrict access using .htaccess rules.


if ($_FILES[‘file’][‘size’] > 500000) {

  echo “File is too large”;

} else {

  $target = “uploads/” . basename($_FILES[‘file’][‘name’]);

  move_uploaded_file($_FILES[‘file’][‘tmp_name’], $target);


Q87: How do you handle session timeouts securely?


  • Set a session timeout limit.
  • Regenerate session IDs periodically.
  • Store the last activity timestamp and compare it with the current time.


if (time() – $_SESSION[‘last_activity’] > 1800) {


} else {

  $_SESSION[‘last_activity’] = time();


Q88: How would you secure sensitive user data like passwords?


  • Hash passwords using password_hash() and validate with password_verify().
  • Use HTTPS for secure data transmission.


$password = password_hash(“user_password”, PASSWORD_BCRYPT);

if (password_verify(“user_password”, $password)) {

  echo “Password is valid”;


Q89: How would you implement pagination in PHP?

A: Use LIMIT in SQL queries and calculate offsets based on the current page.


$page = isset($_GET[‘page’]) ? $_GET[‘page’] : 1;

$limit = 10;

$offset = ($page – 1) * $limit;

$query = “SELECT * FROM users LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset”;

Q90: How do you handle CSRF attacks in a PHP application?

A: Use CSRF tokens in forms and validate them on the server.


// Generating a token

$_SESSION[‘csrf_token’] = bin2hex(random_bytes(32));

// Validating the token

if ($_POST[‘csrf_token’] !== $_SESSION[‘csrf_token’]) {

  die(“Invalid CSRF token”);


Q91: How would you implement a RESTful API in PHP?

A: Use routing libraries or frameworks to map HTTP methods to controller actions.



  echo json_encode(fetchData());


Q92: How do you optimize database queries in PHP?


  • Use indexes.
  • Avoid SELECT *.
  • Use prepared statements.

Q93: How would you handle file downloads in PHP?

A: Use headers to force file downloads.


header(‘Content-Type: application/octet-stream’);

header(‘Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=”file.txt”‘);


Q94: How do you prevent SQL injection in PHP?

A: Always use prepared statements or parameterized queries.


$stmt = $db->prepare(“SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?”);


Q95: How do you send emails in PHP?

A: Use the mail() function or libraries like PHPMailer.

Q96: How would you implement a search feature in PHP?

A: Use full-text search or LIKE queries in SQL.


$query = $db->prepare(“SELECT * FROM posts WHERE content LIKE ?”);


Q97: How do you handle exceptions globally in PHP?

A: Set a global exception handler with set_exception_handler().


set_exception_handler(function($e) {



Q98: How would you schedule tasks in PHP?

A: Use cron jobs to execute PHP scripts periodically.

Q99: How do you monitor PHP application performance?

A: Use tools like New Relic, Datadog, or manual profiling with Xdebug.

Q100: How do you secure file paths in PHP applications?

A: Validate user inputs and use real paths to avoid directory traversal attacks.


$file = realpath($_GET[‘file’]);

if (strpos($file, “/secure_dir/”) === 0) {



These scenario-based questions simulate real-world challenges and show how PHP can solve complex problems effectively. Practice these, and you’ll be ready for any PHP interview!

Final Words: Tips to Crack Your PHP Interview

You’ve covered a lot of ground, and now it’s time to shine! Here are some quick tips to help you crack your PHP interview:

  1. Master the Basics: Be confident with PHP fundamentals, syntax, and superglobals.
  2. Practice Coding: Solve common PHP problems and practice writing clean, efficient code.
  3. Know Frameworks: Familiarize yourself with Laravel, Symfony, or other frameworks.
  4. Think Security: Be ready to discuss how to prevent SQL injection, XSS, and CSRF attacks.
  5. Use Real Examples: Highlight your past projects and problem-solving skills.
  6. Stay Calm: Communicate clearly, and if you don’t know an answer, show a willingness to learn.

You’re ready to ace your PHP interview. Good luck—you’ve got this!

Certified PHP Developer
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