Following are five distinguishing differences between optimists and pessimists and tell me – which one are you?
Self – Control
- Optimists believe they can shape their future and there is no reason why tomorrow can’t be better than today. They do not think about circumstances and prior failures. They expect life improvement at all point of time through positive reinforcement, especially with the right strategies.
- Pessimists feel no sense of control over their lives and base their expectations on prior experiences.
- For Optimists the present moment is completely neutral, anything can happen from this moment on. This neutrality is seen as an opportunity to make something good happen. Optimists believe today’s positive actions almost guarantees a better future and they consider their past as weightless life lessons.
- Pessimists often base the future on the past and see their future as bleak. They live in the past that holds them back and forces them to believe that they have hit their ceiling.
- Optimists believe that they can overcome whatever life throws at them and continue on their way. Optimists learn the skills required in order to succeed.
- Pessimists are victims of circumstance. They lack confidence because they believe that they can’t do it because of past experiences.
Possibility and Problems
- Optimists look for exciting options. These people deal with all sorts of problems cope with them and still move their lives in a positive direction.
- Pessimist think of problems and their complexities
- Optimism produces a better life and keep realistic expectations which help to make smarter choices
- Pessimists underestimate life satisfaction and are entangled in what decision to take and thinking about the past.
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Great article!
nice article