5 Beliefs that Hinders Perfection

You are your best guide so you don’t need a mentor

This is the most counterproductive misconception which reflects lack of maturity and childish ideas. Understand that a mentor is someone who through his experience will help you to cross the hurdles in a smooth manner. It is completely foolish to think that there is no one better than you as you will befool yourself in the end. Believing in yourself is fine as long as you have grounds for it.Remember a good mentor will help you to harness the grounds better.

You don’t have to take responsibility for your mistakes

Stop looking for a “scape goat”. Remember we all make mistakes and so will you and the earlier you accept it, the better. Don’t consider mistakes as an evil activity – Consider your mistakes as a learning experience which makes you more responsible. Trying to fix the problem rather than taking an easy escape route. Experience counts much more than getting away with it.

Talent is what matters most

Stop believing that you have the talent then you’re all set for the bigger world. Talent is generally overrated, no matter how gifted you are if you do not work on developing your skills, then the people around you will beat you up every time in everything. It takes lots and lots of hard work and sacrifices to reach the top but if you think talent can can take you to that level through shortcuts, then guess what – there are many talented people around so if you want to beat them, you have to work harder than them.

You have all the time in the world

Remember time once gone will never come back. Time moves faster than you think and before you will know it, years will pass by and you will not be able to go back and get all corrected. It is better to reap the best out of the moment – Stop procrastinating,  read and study, develop healthy habits, live a healthy life, there is rarely an opportunity to turn back. Have an early realization unless it’s too late to regret when you look back.

You can eat whatever you want

It is good to experiment with food but sooner or later a moment will come when you look at the weighting scale and not believe what you see. This is nor at all a pleasant news. You can have what you want before it starts to affect your metabolism. The sooner you realize and correct this habit, the more thankful your future self will be. You’re building your future right now so wake up.

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