Delhi University to start its four-year undergraduate programmes


The next month would encounter student rush for admissions to the new four-year undergraduate programmes. The academic council of Delhi University announced the introduction of the new course structure from this academic session. Registrar Alka Sharma confirms the approval of the new course structure by the academic council in Discipline 1, Discipline 2 as well as Application courses of 28 departments

Some of the courses that have been passed are –

  • All courses which come under Faculty of Interdisciplinary and Applied Sciences
  • Most of the courses related to Faculty of Arts
  • Syllabus for Biomedical Science, Botany, Zoology, Home Science

Council member Amitav Chakrobarty claimed that around 1,013 papers and 89 courses had been passed. This new system seeks to enhance the quality of education, develop employable skills and introduce interdisciplinary pedagogy.

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