Inbound marketing for dummies

Inbound Marketing Boon for the small business.

Big companies, they have a huge stack of funds to buy the big news ads or commercial to run different campaigns over different medias, bombarding the costumers with marketing message in every possible way. But what about those small business? Here comes in picture, inbound marketing. Simply, inbound marketing is promoting your business by creating valuable and interesting content with the aim to get attention and draw users towards the website.

The internet and social media have deeply penetrated the consumer’s life. Unlike past where consumer would get the information and would directly buy the product if they liked it. Internet have really changed the way how people consume the information. Costumers today are much more informed and connected and they continuously search the information with every media available, with internet being their favorite choice. The buying process starts with costumers searching for the content which helps them or tries to solve their problem and only continue if they find content to be relevant otherwise they will lose their interest real quick and move to other source never to come back.

Market has transformed so marketing is not same as it was before. Internet has created the opportunity for small and medium sized business where they can reach to equal mass of people as the big business reaches. Here inbound market can derive effective results if used wisely and properly so it is very important to change your marketing as well as your sales structure with these in your mind. What inbound marketing focus on is attracting the stranger towards the business and convert them into the lifelong costumers, promoters and the brand advocates. Inbound marketing can be too simple if you understand the system and the key here is nourishing your costumer with the really engaging content that they are going to love.

The driving principle for inbound marketing is ATTRACT, CONVERT, CLOSE AND DELIGHT.  Where attract is the marketing action to convert the stranger into visitors, convert which is transforming your visitors into leads, close which converts your leads into your costumers and delight will changes your costumer into the promoters and brand advocates.

Every business requires to have its own website, and that website is your valuable assets which will represent you and your entire business in the ground of the internet. Your website will distinguish you from other so it is very important to identify you and clearly state that you are there to help people and meet their needs. And this is done by giving the helpful and engaging content, not the content that just tells and describes what you are and your entire history from top to bottom but the content that really solves the problem and the question in people’s head.

The website is like a funnel which is to be filled by visitors and this engaging content will bring the strangers to the top of the funnel. Blogging, SEO, social publishing are some of the things which is really helpful in attracting the people toward your website. And once they are at the top of funnel they should be continuously nurture with more content which is relevant to them, also sending the emails which they find useful and helpful. They will develop interest in your company and your brand, falling in love with it, resulting them falling even deeper into the funnel.

Study shows that 57% of the buying process is already completed when the engagement is established and this is the perfect time to strike a deal. The tactful marketing strategy with the coordination of costumer relation and marketing department will turn your prospect leads into the consumers. Why generally people miss to get the desired result of inbound marketing is the weakness in closing deals. People are confused and need to sort out their problem that is the reason which made them engaged to your content and made them your leads. This is to be kept in mind and smarts actions should be taken so that those leads could be transformed into the costumers.

The most important part of inbound marketing is that the work is not done when you receive the check. Inbound marketing is all about providing the valuable and remarkable contents to the user no matter what they are. When they continue getting your content useful for them they become your brand advocates promoting and recommending your brand to others that results in increased sales volume.

So all the small business whose voice are suppressed by the big players can turn the table by adopting  this marketing technique, which definitely lead them towards growth, more money, brand awareness and love of costumers.

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