A genre of journalism that includes investigative activities such as research work and database of public records is referred to as investigative journalism. A person carrying out such type of journalism should be a very curious individual who should know about the basic law surrounding the field.
Investigative journalism involves true dedication as the journalist has to follow or literally stalk the person about whom he/she is making the report. Sometimes the information can easily by acquired by the help of search engines, public records or various scattered sources. But there are the cases when the journalist needs to work really hard to acquire the much needed information.
A lot of sacrifices are required from the side of the journalist. Some of them may include insufficient sleep, restless days when no clue or lore could be found. A journalist needs to put his heart and soul in the story that he/she is working on. Adherence and devotion does pay well in the end.
Apart from this a strong foothold of the law system is a must for any journalist working on an investigative beat. A series of interviews has to be transpired by a journalist in this process. The investigative reporter needs to interview each and every source and associate of the suspect or the person about whom he/she is reporting. It is a demanding course of action especially when people are not willing to dispense their time or opinion.
Investigation is not always related to a person. Sometimes it revolves around a crime scene or political corruption. A journalist working on an investigative beat should be high on contacts and sources as these are the people at the end of the day who outturn the story. Apart from this the investigative reporter should be dexterous and alert so that he/she could make the best out of people and situations.
20 Comments. Leave new
That’s new information! Thanks!!
You’ve summed up this field very well, making it sound interesting and bold at the same time!
Good work 🙂
Great Job 😀
good article
Interesting 😀 Topic 😀
And very well explained 😀
Quite interesting!!
Well articulated!
nice one
This article just proves how journalism isn’t as easy as people think it is
Very interesting
Great job
Great job
Interesting! Very very well written!
nice efforts
Nice work
Very informative great efforts
quite interesting form of journalism! Well-written!
thankyou guys 🙂
Good work