Android OS – Module 3

Android OS - Module 3

So in the last Module we got to know about ANDROID BETA and ANDROID CUPCAKE. now moving one .


3.  ANDROID DONUT (Android 1.6)

Then another android was launched after a few months of launch of cupcake which was called Android donut which obviously had new features. This version introduced the new concept of search bar . It provides a quick effective and consistent way of searching the entire phone as well as the internet, by entire phone I meant browser,apps, app data,media files etc. General improved in galary and camera, making it much faster and introduction of multiple delete option in galary. The most exciting feature introduced  is VPN which is called virtual private network, VPN is a private network usually made with the use of internet to connect to any company’s internal network.Compared to today’s VPN service this version provided basic and limited features. The Google play Services was also introduced with interesting UI and proper filtering of apps based on like top free, top paid etc.

Generally these modification were made:-

  • voice and text entry search
  • multilingual speech synthesis
  • speed improvements in camera and gallery
  • multiple selection of items in gallery
  • support for CDMA and VPN.
  • Gestures was also Introduced

4. ANDROID ECLAIR (Android 2.0)

Android Eclair which was launched just after month of previously launched i.e October 2009 android with many new modifications. The main feature was added support for the multi touch devices. They modified the contact and account part the greatest adding was adding of multiple account and contact synchronization, including Exchange accounts, quick account to provide instant access to all the contact information. Combined multiple account to one app called Email Inbox for faster access of different accounts.


  • Live wallpapers
  • General speed modification
  • Updated camera features like introduction of white balance,color effect , focus etc
  • Browser upgrade with support of HTML 5 .
  • Updated calendar with to-do list and adding of events.
  • Dictionary keyboard
  • Synchronize account and add multiple accounts.

5. ANDROID FROYO (Android 2.2)

Android froyo which is a short name for frozen yoghurt.Froyo made its debut in August 2010 the most important introduction which is “New Home screen” which supported to manage different slides added widget features to fast access from the home screen. Phone, browsers etc have dedicated shortcuts in the home screen making it access to from any 5 home screen panels. Improved Exchange support like introduction of numeric pin or alpha-numeric password for unlocking the device. Remote wipe was also a great addition with one click you can reset you phone to factory versions. Introduction of LED flash in camera for clicking pics in low light. And cloud sign was also introduced.

It had

  • Speed improvements
  • Support for C2DM(cloud to device messaging)
  • Option to enable or disable mobile data
  • Bluetooth upgrade with advance features.
  • Tethering and hotspot
  • Improved application launcher
  • Quick switching between languages in keyboard
  • Support for alphanumeric and numeric password
  • General improvement

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