Fashion; a desire!


Fashion inspires one with the desire to seem rather than to be. Another of its characterstics is that every generation laughs at the old trends but religiously follows the latest one . That explains the quick changes , sometimes queer and grotesque , that come about in the vast domain of fashion.

A particular fashion is popular for few months before it is replaced by another. If poets were the unacknowledged legislators of the world, fashion models have become the acknowledged leaders! Fashion’s writ runs not only in matter of dress and entertainment but also in law, politics , and education. It has infiltrated things of grave importance. Universities , no longer devoted to pursuit of scholarship, hold fashion shows. Imitating western decadence is a matter of pride.

The modern follow fashion for compelling reasons. They want to identify with a select group of people. New fashions may be adopted immediately by well known people, including sports persons , film stars ,or political figures. Then , other people may follow these fashions so that they can identify with this privileged group. Some think that fashionable clothes raise their status in life . Fashion is a way to gain acceptance from others of that class. This adoption of fashion applies more to clothes.

Is fashion a mere display of riches or the art of beautifying one’s self!? Actually its both…!!)

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