Information technology for Rural Development

Information technology for Rural Development

In this present time people are really adopting new technologies. Here we can take one example of mobile phone. In 19th century all are using land line to talk with , was so expensive and not available everywhere but then all people started using mobile phones which was having black and white screen and number keypad. Now days we can see all nearly 60% of people including children above 5 years age can able to use smart phone. Gradually the rural atmosphere is also changing and people are moving to urban areas. But still it needs so much development in rural areas. As our prime minister Mr. Narendra Modi said the development should start from rural. It is because all people depend on rural sector for food and food and nutrition is essential for all of us. So it is necessary to make development in rural sector.

So we can see how information technology (IT) will helpful for development of rural sector.

We can categorized it into 3 parts

  1. Healthcare
  2. Education
  3. Awareness
  1. Healthcare: โ€œHealth is wealthโ€ if the people belong to rural area will get good health then they can able to participate in development process of our country. We can see now a days IT sector is playing vital role in healthcare. Like there are lots of electronic instruments are invented which can easily checkup health. So it should be used in rural areas so that people can get aware of their health issues. Using internet the remote area people can able to contact with doctors to get relief from their health issues.
  2. Education: IT in education plays vital role. When people can get know how to use computer then they can easily get their work done. The students who are living in rural areas they can get able to study more effectively from internet by using computers. Good education makes the life beautiful. Not only students but also the farmers also get a lot of information about cultivation so that they can able to do better job.
  3. Awareness: It is essential in present time. Using information technology people can able to get aware of new diseases, cyclone, flood, weather information etc. Government can able to communicate with rural people and make them aware of new policy and plans. Job seekers from rural can easily get to know job openings from internet and can able to participate. Now various banks open mobile banking system in rural areas, so people get benefit from it.

So in this way Information Technology helps in rural developments, it is our duty to make is useful in right and proper way for development of society.

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