How Important Is Luck In A Business? (1)

How Important Is Luck In A Business

There exist people who debunk the idea of luck altogether. Quoting a few dialogues from the famous movie ‘The Matrix’:

“Do you believe in fate.Neo?”,Morphius asked.


“Why not?”.

“Because I don’t like the idea that I’m not in control of my life”, replied Neo.

This seems to be a very smart and a strong reply however here the idea of luck is misinterpreted.

I personally believe that luck plays a very important role in our lives. It definitely does not mean being hit by lightning and turning into Flash, the superhero but is a more concrete concept.

In the recent tussle between the cab services Ola and Taxi For Sure(TFS), luck favored Olacabs. The owners of TFS were absolutely capable of pulling their business out of mud and giving a tough competition to Ola. They had convinced plenty of investors to believe in their project and all the arrangements were set in place, but just a day before the contracts were to be signed the unfortunate news of an Uber taxi driver raping a girl went viral. This led the investors to lose hope in the future success of any cab service at all and TFS went bankrupt. It was simply fate. Had this tragic incident not taken place, you never know TFS might have had bought Ola instead.

Since the number of equally talented and deserving entities has increased but only a few can be awarded, the luck factor becomes an indispensable part of any success. Research has shown that with every passing day the skill set with which an individual is equipped is becoming more and more uniform. The above mentioned story of TFS serves as a perfect example of such a scenario.

No matter how much we deny, there are forces beyond our control functioning out there. It is these forces which eventually take us towards our destiny. Nevertheless there is a twist.

Are these forces absolutely superior and we don’t exercise even slightest of control over these?

Read along part II to find out!

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