The rising stressed lifestyle of today

The rising stressed lifestyle of today

Today we are living in the most modernized society. It is a period of tremendous advancement in every field. These advancements have increased the efficiency of the mankind which in turn has brought with it a fair share of comfort and increased standard of living. However the comforts of these advancements cannot be overlooked.

What does this modernized lifestyle comprises of actually? Does it comprises of only comforts, luxury and ease?

No, in fact it also comprises of excessive competition, meeting deadlines , fulfilling demand, over-booked schedules , proving oneself and safety concerns. All these contribute to a lot of stress in each individual’s life. This stress has grown so much that being stressed and frustrated has become a way of living. A stressed individual poses a great threat to the society and such society hinders the overall growth of the country. To understand this better lets first discuss the causes and effects of stressed lifestyle in detail.

Balancing one’s work and home lives is proving increasingly difficult. There are people who earn reasonably comfortable incomes but they don’t have that pursuit of happiness in their lives. Some people are busy because they are focused on a future goal, they work now so that they can get to their goal and they will relax. Unfortunately, they are ending up being frustrated. They are just trying to achieve their goals without happiness.

How did we end up living like this? Why do we do this to ourselves?  What happened to a world in which we can sit with the people we love so much and have slow conversations about the state of our heart and mind, take care of our loved ones, spend time with our parents, grandparents and friends?

This disease of being “busy”, and let’s call it what it is, the dis-ease of being busy, when we are never at ease is really very harmful to our health and well being. Though we do so much in a day, instead of feeling satisfied, we look at your long list of things to do . If we are overlooking our lives, so busy, then it’s time for a change. We fool ourselves by  believing that we don’t have enough time. But we are wrong. Time is not the problem. It’s the habits we’ve developed that are the problem.

Personally speaking, I rarely look at the news, television, or a read a newspaper. I don’t have even half an hour to do exercises or take care of myself. I try to remind myself to cherish every moment I am given with my family, friends, and people I care about.

So, We need to have a different outlook to work. We should learn to balance our lives properly.  We should not forget that we are human beings, not human doings.

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