The information age has created many challenges for every profession from your daily life as to how you view the media and how the media in itself does its work.

The NEW MEDIA technologies have changed the landscape of journalism making it more accountable and transparent. from the Previously opaque and manipulative state apart from making journalism accountable.

New media technologies have benefited journalists tremendously from the  growth in information communication technologies like the ICTs which  have made available computers, Internet access, and mobile technology and much more. these technologies have easies the process of gathering news. How journalist follow their leads and investigations through different tools.

In today’s fast-paced society, more and more people are turning to their computers, cell phones, and Bluetooth devices for updates ranging from weather predictions to any local happenings. is technology has become the quickly and  primary way of receiving information.

Journalists’ functions have shifted from information transmission to information processing. There role has shifted to gatekeepers” and information “monitors”. Now there role is not to provide the news but merely to point the way.

Web technology has provided opportunities for sources and audiences to participate in news production. Given the reader the autonomy to  decides what, when and how to read.. The digital revolution in information and communication technologies has created the platform for a free flow of information, ideas and knowledge across the globe.

Now the audience has the means and the know the appropriate method to know and decide what to trust and know whom to listen to. They can check sources and verify facts to their own satisfaction.

The new media technologies have to an extent equipped the audience to fight the manipulation of the media and form opinion of their own free will. Which might not be entirely possible.

But  it is now possible to some extent.

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