Maggie In Dept

Maggie In Dept

Maggie In Dept

The recent Maggie struggle makes you want know the a little more about it than before

So here are some facts that we did not care to look for.

It is a brand of instant noodles manufactured by Nestlé. It  is popular in Australia, India, South Africa, Brazil, New Zealand, Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Fiji and the Philippines it’s also called “Maggie me” in some countries and is a part of the Mag family, a Nestlé brand of instant soups, stocks, and noodles.

This Is Not The First Time That this product Is In Criticism.

Before this it was criticized for  making false claims that the noodles would “help to build strong muscles, bone and hair”.  One of the key facts due to which it is in trouble are that, this product uses

MSG- a form of concentrated salt added to foods to enhance the flavor.MSG has many side effects like vomiting, migraine headaches, asthma, heart irregularities, depression and even seizures. The problem is that the product mentions no MSG on its package thus directly violating EU consumer protection legislation, 

It, on a general basis contains in One serving (1 block or 100 grams) of noodles contains 1170 mg. of sodium aka salt, almost half of the USDA 2400 mg maximum. The noodles provide 10% of your daily calcium and 12% of your daily iron requirement. apart from that have no nutritional benefit.

Knowing all this you might now be able to relate to the circumstance all over the country . Let’s  see the status now

June 3-Delhi government  deemed ‘unsafe’ for consumption ban the sale of Maggie Noodles for 15 days.

June 4- The Indian Army 1,000 army canteens, 1500 Central Police Canteens  and some Navy canteens remove Maggie stock.

Uttarakhand, Gujarat and Jammu & Kashmir and Tamil Nadu proceed for a ban.

Authorities in Telangana banned the sale of the opular noodles

June 5-The Nepal government, The Assam government, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh  ban Maggie noodles

June 6- Nestle CEO Paul Bulcke  declared that Maggie noodles are unsafe for consumption.

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) said we have no concerns over the safety of Maggie

June 6– The Punjab government ban Maggie noodles and other nine varieties.

So for now Maggie is  in a  down fall.

It’s not all that bad gives you a chance to try other products as well.

Click here for government certifications

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