The Sneak Peek of Technology

The Sneak Peek of Technology

We are surrounded by technology to such an extent that we   have gotten so habitual of it now, that we  do not  even notice it aiding us in day to day activities.

To some of you  technology must have directly meant  your cell phones and computers ,But there’s more to it that meets the eye.

One of the very closely related brother of technology is ICT- Information Communication Technology .

ICT takes hold of every aspect of our daily life in very minute details but the most affected reason is development.

ICT4D- ICT for Development

ICT4D applications, such as the Open Risk Data Initiative (OpenRDI). OpenRDI aims to minimize the effect of disaster in developing countries by encouraging them to open their disaster risk data. GIS technologies such as satellite imagery, thematic maps, and geospatial data play a big part in disaster risk management. One example is the HaitiData, where maps of Haiti containing layers of geospatial data (earthquake intensity, flooding likelihood, landslide and tsunami hazards, overall damage, etc..) are made available which can then be used by decision makers and policy makers for rehabilitation and reconstruction of the country. The areas which are receiving priority attention include natural resources information assessment, monitoring and management, water shed development, environmental planning, urban services and land use planning

The use of ICT in weather forecasting is broad. Nowadays, weather forecasting offices are using mass media to inform the public on weather updates. After Tropical Storm Ondoy in the Philippines, the Filipino people are more curious and aware about the weather hazards. Meteorological offices are also using advanced tools to monitor the weather and the weather systems that may affect a certain area.

Not only weather and development it spreads it s wings to aiding the disabled and education and lively hood .

Thus though not apparent but a necessary part of our ecology.

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