HR Dynamism

HR Dynamism

Now days there is a lot of conversation about questioning effectiveness and influence of HR function. A variety of magazine and newspaper over several decades pointed out that HR is often an administrative unit which adds little strategic value.  So to prove that premise as a fallacy then HR should need to become dynamic in nature.

A number of forces in the business environment have created new opportunities for HR to become significant contributor to the performance of organization. And the fact is that there is great demand of HR professionals who understands business strategy and is able to use data about talent management to impact organizational effectiveness.

The HRM function in organizations has gained strategic emphasis. Effective HRM is vital in order to be able to meet the market demands with well qualified employees at all times. Technology and HRM have a broad range of influences upon each other, and HR professionals should be able to adopt technologies that allow the reengineering of the HR function, be prepared to support organizational and work-design changes caused by technology. Human Resource Management Systems can meet the challenge of becoming more strategic, flexible, cost efficient and customer oriented by leveraging information technology.

Analytics helps HR understand what characteristics make up a quality hire and how to bring them into the organization, followed by developing and engaging these employees for the best performance through retention. Through analytics HR teams can obtain the answers to all kinds of important questions such as:

  • What is the best source for new-hires who have the characteristics we’ve identified for company success?
  • Would it make a difference if we paid people a percentage more next year?
  • What parts of employee value proposition are of great interest such as direct compensation, benefits, and recognition?
  • What kind of people can best help us meet our goals: moving into new markets, developing new products or acquiring new firms?

During economic booms , often people are seen as the greatest asset of a company. But when times get tough, people can be seen as a cost to be better managed or even reduced. With a little foresight and the right software, HR can help companies smooth out the peaks and valleys while building a more prosperous future.

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